Birth Stories

Mama Natural Birth Course Helped Kira Achieve Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When my contractions stuck around for four hours and got closer together during that time. They didn’t get any stronger, but that coupled with the fact that I was leaking a pinkish fluid every time I used the restroom made me fairly certain it was the real deal.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Due to the fact that my membranes ruptured so early on and I was steadily leaking fluid throughout my labor, I began feeling the urge to push far too soon. I was only 5cm dilated and I knew if I didn’t resist pushing, I could damage my cervix and possibly hurt my baby, leading to unwanted interventions. But the pushing urge is almost impossible to control—it feels like throwing up but downward. I had to fight my body’s instinct to push for almost 5 hours, and that was harder than anything I’ve ever done. I wanted to give up several times and questioned my ability to keep going. But my mother’s support and my own knowledge of labor kept me from giving in to the temptation to use interventions to numb that urge, for which I am now extremely grateful.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    The Mama Natural Birth Course was invaluable. It kept me from giving up when I thought I couldn’t take anymore... I realized I was in transition and it would be over soon. The other big help was Hypnobirthing. I read the book and practiced the breathing from very early on in my pregnancy. I listened to the audio guided meditations in my last trimester and while in labor as well, and it was so useful. I truly believe that the breathing techniques are the only reason I succeeded in resisting the urge to push for almost 5 hours. I also drank red raspberry leaf tea every day from 36 weeks, ate my dates, saw the chiropractor, and did lots of pelvic balance exercises.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was shocked to discover at 31 weeks that my baby was in Frank breech position. I did everything I could to turn my baby. All the spinning babies exercises, my chiropractor used the Webster technique, moxibustion, and finally 2 failed ECVs. My provider refused to attempt to deliver her breech, they wanted to schedule me for a c-section at 39 weeks. They tried to frighten me into thinking that doing otherwise would be a danger to my baby. But I had done my research ahead of time and I ended up getting advice from experts in vaginal breech birth. I knew my baby was in a safe position to be delivered vaginally. I had to travel 3 hours while in labor to get to the specialist who agreed to deliver my baby, but it was so worth it. In the end, the doctor didn’t need to do anything but catch her little head as it came out last. Me and baby did all the work and she came out butt first, without any issues, scored a 9 and 9 on her APGAR, and was completely perfect. I also didn’t tear. Her being breech was a huge surprise, and so stressful, but in the end I accepted that my baby wanted to be born her own way, and it all worked out beautifully.

  • The knowledge of the birth process was so valuable, as well as hearing other’s stories. I definitely felt like nothing could surprise me. I felt prepared and armed with knowledge, and with no unknowns lurking about, I felt no fear.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Hypnobirthing breathing was what got me through the worst of it. I also liked counterpressure on my hips through some of it. Early on in labor, walking through contractions was very helpful. Being able to move and labor on different positions was key for me. Laboring on the toilet was sometimes very comfortable and I also spent a lot of time on all fours, leaning my upper body on a birthing ball. I would rotate my hips and do cat/cow exercises in that position. That’s also the position I ended up giving birth in.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I felt extreme relief that I had done it and she was finally there with me, and healthy. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I already loved her so much, and the joy at seeing her face was overwhelming. I loved the feel of her—Yes she was covered in vernix and fluids, but she was warm and soft and so strangely familiar to me. It was a rush of intense, beautiful emotion that I still feel whenever I look at her.

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    Her name is River Rose. I am a total sci-fi nerd, and both names are references to characters in Doctor Who and Firefly (both TV shows). These characters are badass girls, they have strong moral compasses, they are fiercely intelligent, and they have a strong sense of family. These are qualities I hope to instill in my little girl as she grows. And I think the sound of it is pretty. A pretty name for my pretty little baby girl.

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    The knowledge of the birth process was so valuable, as well as hearing other’s stories. I definitely felt like nothing could surprise me. I felt prepared and armed with knowledge, and with no unknowns lurking about, I felt no fear.

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