Birth Stories

Mama Natural Classes Were Extremely Informative and Helped Amanda During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had my first "weekly" checkup on Friday July 1st and when she checked me I was 80% effaced and 2cm dilated. After that, the entire weekend I had diarrhea and mild menstrual like cramping. I knew something was up but I was trying to relax because I also knew that could go on for weeks. My husband and I were off for July 4th and we laid in bed all day. Tuesday I worked a 10 hour day (I'm a hairstylist) and while blow drying my last client at 7:20 pm my water totally gushed everywhere!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Once my husband and I were on board with a natural birth, the mental preparation was the easy part. It was actually during the labor that it was put to the test. Right before everything really began I had a moment of real fear, but I told myself, "you have done everything necessary to achieve this, trust yourself." And I did!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I read so much! Mama Natural classes were extremely informative and the birth stories on the site were my favorite thing to read when I couldn't sleep at night. I watched birth videos and found several helpful blogs. I would save my favorites for my husband to read, typically ones that had practical tools for him to remember so he could help me.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How fast it went. My active labor started around 10 am and I delivered her at 5:38 pm. Another surprise was how much endurance I had during pushing. I was SO tired, I had been up for 28 hours straight and had nothing but two pipsciclses to eat (the hospital wouldn't let me have anything substantial) but I was able to somehow find the strength to push when the time came. When you know you're about to meet your child, you find the resolve to do almost anything.

  • I immediately started crying and my husband and I just kept looking at each other and shaking our heads. It's the moment you imagine and wait for but when it arrives you just can't wrap your head around it.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I changed positions a ton. My husband would see me coming down from a contraction and before it would finish he would get me up to switch positions. I got in the tub from about 4-7 cm and that helped tremendously. I was getting to hot to stay in the tub during transition though so I actually got back in bed for that phase. I laid on my side with my body pillow and I would pull myself up (like I was doing a pull up) with the side of the hospital bed. A lot of low moaning and toward the end before pushing I would do horse lips like crazy. My husband said I was spitting everywhere!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my back! I was so sure that would NOT be the case but I was so exhausted that's all I could manage. I just made sure I kept my chin tucked and my knees really high. I imagined I was squatting in the air.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    UNREAL. I immediately started crying and my husband and I just kept looking at each other and shaking our heads. It's the moment you imagine and wait for but when it arrives you just can't wrap your head around it.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Allow yourself to be flexible. I had to receive Pitocin because my contractions just wouldn't start. At first I had this moment of pure despair because that wasn't what I ever thought would happen, but then I thought....of course there was no way it would all be totally perfect. In the end I was able to do it without an epidural which was my ultimate goal and it was so unbelievably rewarding. I totally would do it again.

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