Birth Stories

Studying Hypnobirthing Helped Kendra During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had been having contractions that varied 4-8 minutes about for about 12 hours. I did not have much amniotic fluid left around the baby, so my doctor had me come in to the hospital to break my water and get things going more steadily. Once that occurred, my contractions immediately became more intense and closer together.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    My biggest challenge or fear was that having a natural hospital birth would not go as I wanted. This was my third birth, but I had epidurals previously and was even induced using Pitocin with my second. I was worried my nurses would not support my wishes to be able to move around as needed and would be respectful of my choice to go natural in a hospital. I was pleasantly surprised to have support from everyone involved. I believe my doctor did a great job of communicating with everyone who cared for us. I had minimal interruptions during the intense labor phase when I was very focused on using Hypnobirthing to endure my contractions. If the nurses had to come in, they would patiently wait until I had a break to check on me or ask any necessary questions and if possible, they would even just talk to my husband and not interrupt me at all.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I had studied Hypnobirthing and used that as my main tool once my water was broken. I was able to put myself into a very focused, hypnotized state for about two hours until I transitioned and was ready to push. I would not have been able to prepare my body for pushing had I not visualized opening and relaxing my body using Hypnobirthing breathing and visualization techniques. It definitely gave me confidence in my body. I knew I had hit transition when I wanted to get up on my knees and away from side to side. I continued to focus on relaxing my body and within 10 minutes of this, my baby moved down the birth canal and it was time to push.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised how quick and easy it was bring her into the world. My doctor came in to deliver her and it happened in one contraction: two breathes and two pushes. I truly believe my body was relaxed and open from my focused breathing using hypnobirthing. This part was so easy; I was completely shocked when she was delivered all at once.

  • After experiencing 3 births: 2 with epidurals, 1 naturally, I had the best experience the last time. It was so incredible to be so much more present during every moment of the process. Our bodies were made to do this!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Being able to focus on my body with little interruption during labor enabled me to work thru each contraction.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On my back.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I couldn't believe how quickly she arrived; it happened so fast! She felt so warm as she was put on my stomach for me to hold. I just felt so proud of both of us for doing it naturally together.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    I would definitely recommend going natural. After experiencing 3 births: 2 with epidurals, 1 naturally, I had the best experience the last time. It was so incredible to be so much more present during every moment of the process. Our bodies were made to do this! I would definitely read books and study videos to help to prepare and use at least one technique, such as Hypnobirthing, as an aide during the labor process.

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