Birth Stories

Taking Evening Primrose Oil, Drinking 2-3 Cups of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea and Eating Six Dates a Day in Smoothies Helped Miranda During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    The night before labor I felt my first real surge (contraction), since before then I've only had tightenings. But I thought it still could be false labor because that can happen after a membrane sweep (which I had the morning since I was 41 weeks and 1 day), so I tried to sleep as best I could as they were still far apart. Then in the morning they started to become regular at 8-10 minutes apart, so I knew it was the real deal! I was so excited to start this journey to meet my boy!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    In the beginning, the labor was very manageable. I had decided to use hypnobirthing and it helped so much! During active labor I was able to labor at home and do what felt most comfortable. But I ended up throwing up 5 times during a period of 3 hours, causing me to be dehydrated and malnourished, even though I kept trying to eat and drink, nothing would stay down. During that time my surges got to 2-3 minutes apart, but shorter than usual causing me not to progress with each one. This is when it got really hard to do it naturally, and I was very tempted to go into the hospital and get relief from an epidural. But my doula, in her wisdom, managed to get me in and out of the hospital to just get an IV and nausea medicine so I could go back home and rest to hopefully start progressing again. It worked! With all my strength I went into the hospital only to get and IV and deny being admitted, then turned around and went home so I could continue my natural birth without the pressure of interventions. Once I got the IV and got home my contraction felt a good kind of different, with a lot more pressure. An hour later my water released and I was starting to feel ready to push baby down! Turned around and went back to the hospital, pushing in the car! 30 minute after we got to the hospital my little one was born! What an adventure!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I did a lot of things to help. Even though I went a week and a day over due, when labor came it really helped! I took evening primrose oil at 36 weeks and on, orally and occasionally vaganally. I drank 2-3 cups of red raspberry leaf tea a day (I liked it best iced!), and I ate six dates a day in smoothies 36 weeks on. My labor progressed VERY fast other than when I got dehydrated. I believe all that helped soften my cervix and strengthen me for D-day. I exercised and did yoga all pregnancy long and then walked almost everyday the month before. I got regulatory adjusted by a chiropractor which helped a lot! And I took a hypnobirthing class which in formed me a lot about birth and how to manage labor. Read lots of great books as well!
    BUT THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING I DID TO HELP was hiring a doula! My husband and I would have ditched our birth plan very quick if it weren't for the support, wisdom, and help we got from our doula. She helped me be comfortable, know what's going on, know how and when to push, and was just a great encouragement! My husband was the most tender and encouraging help during the whole labor as well and it helped me so much to just look at his face and see the love he had for us!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    No one can describe accurately what surges feel like and the whole process of labor. Have to expirence it yourself to know! I read so many foroums about what people felt or how they knew it was labor, and everyone was so different!
    Also, I was pretty nervous about the pushing part as it seems like it'd be the most extreme part of it all, but pushing actually felt the best and was the easiest part! My body did what it wanted and needed to do and it just felt right! Thankful I only pushed for 20 minutes!

  • Prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for this amazing journey of labor!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Hypno birthing was so helpful! Listening to the deep relaxation tracks and helping me focus on letting my body do what it's made to do and not let fear try to take over. I borrowed my in-laws blow up jacuzzi (yes they make those!) and had it in my house to use while laboring. The warm water helped bring a lot of relief. Lots of walking around helped as well! And I could not have gotten through it without lots of prayer and depending on Jesus to get me through!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On all fours with my hands on the back of the lifted head rest. Felt way better than on my back! So thankful my OB would deliver in any position!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Surreal. Heaven on earth! We've been trying to imagine what he looked like and who he was and now to see him face to face.... unreal! Felt my heart forever leave my body and a piece placed in him. Couldn't stop saying words of love over him once he was in my arms.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for this amazing journey of labor! Do your research to know what's best for you and your baby, find a method that will be an aid during labor and practice it regularly, prep your body with natural remedies and lots of walking, and prepare spiritually so you can be strong and endure til the end! It's so worth it and your labor will pass and you will have a baby!

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