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Birth Stories

Birth Classes, Chiropractor Care, Exercise And Diet Helped Erin Achieve Her Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When I got to the office in the morning and my water broke! I had been leaking fluid for a few hours that morning, but I stood up after working with a patient, and I felt an immediate gush of fluid, so I knew that was the beginning of everything.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Feeling overwhelmed to make decisions and endure the pain by myself. Having a doula and supportive husband made my birth the AMAZING story that it was. They advocated for me, reminded me of my goals, reassured me of my strength, and offered support when I had to make critical decisions. There was pressure for interventions and things I didn't want during my labor and delivery, and without a supportive birth team, I may have made different choices. Also, the contractions were WAY more intense than I had imagined they would be, but I got through them!!

  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Multiple things: I got adjusted by a chiropractor weekly, got a massage monthly, exercised and stayed active 2-3x/week, and really watched my diet and nutrition. The birth classes were informative from an educational perspective, but being physically capable and strong during labor was the most helpful thing to prepare for childbirth. It's a sporting event! I'm glad I prepared my body!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Contractions can go from nothing to very intense quickly, and I wasn't ready for such a fast/short labor as a first-time mom. I was surprised by how often I needed to change positions to get out of pain and find comfort with each contraction. Also, laughing gas was one of the BEST options I could have been given, and I strongly recommend moms who want to go as natural as possible find out if it's an option at their birthing location. When I got to the end and couldn't mentally endure the pain, the laughing gas allowed me to relax enough to progress to full dilation and gave me a small "crutch" to use during really intense contractions that allowed me to refuse all other pain interventions during labor and delivery. It saved me and gave me confidence that I could get through it - and I did!

  • I didn't know anything about the stages of labor, different positions to labor in, pain management exercises, etc. It was SO helpful to have a visual aid for a birth class, versus just reading books and seeing images in print. Also, the birth videos were so powerful and encouraging, so thank you for offering access to those.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I used warm water in a shower as the longest intervention during active labor. Changing positions was CRUCIAL (how do women lay on their backs?!) Laughing/nitrous gas worked more to reduce anxiety (an anxiolytic medication) than for pain (analgesic), but it did help take the edge off during the final contractions when I felt the pain was almost unbearable. Breathing was critical until I couldn't relax during contractions enough to take deep breaths.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    EUPHORIC. I felt like I was on a different planet when labor was over and my baby girl was in my arms. The hormones were INSANE. I am so thankful I had full consciousness and no pain medication so that I could experience everything 100% when she was put on my chest for the first time.

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    Ensley Grace- we loved the English heritage of the name, wanted an "E" name, and loved that it was different!

  • How did the Mama Natural Birth Class help you in your childbirth?

    I didn't know anything about the stages of labor, different positions to labor in, pain management exercises, etc. It was SO helpful to have a visual aid for a birth class, versus just reading books and seeing images in print. Also, the birth videos were so powerful and encouraging, so thank you for offering access to those.

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