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Birth Stories

Exercising, Spiritual Preparation And Reading The Book Labor with Hope Helped Rebecca During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I woke up around 3:30 on Thursday thinking I was constipated, but when the same thing happened again at 4:30 I wondered if it could be contractions. Sure enough, they kept coming periodically and a little stronger all the time, and I started getting hopeful that I would have my baby today!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The patience required to let my body handle things, and also the intensity of back labor. For me, a very real part of going natural was also the humility to recognize the moments when interventions ceased to be unnecessary and became important tools in having a successful vaginal birth after 52 hours of labor.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Exercise and spiritual preparation! I never would have made it two days in labor if I wasn’t in as good a shape as I could manage while pregnant, and also ate and rested whenever I could. At about hour seven of total pushing time, my midwife asked me if I ran marathons! Also, the book “Labor with Hope” really helped ground me in how my Christian faith shapes how I view childbirth and birth pains through the lens of Jesus’s sacrifice.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How long it took! I felt my first real contraction at 3:30 on Thursday, and my beautiful boy was born vaginally at 7:30 on Saturday! I had inconsistent contractions and eventually did need a little Pitocin and an epidural to help my body pick up the pace of contractions and then rest enough for a final pushing effort. Even though I didn’t plan on these interventions, I was so thankful they were there for me when I truly needed them, and they weren’t pushed on me, only recommended when they were really necessary. My incredible midwife made all the difference in helping me feel empowered and informed and so strong through it all.

  • So much relief and joy and pride and gratitude! Impossible to express fully.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Counterpressure through every contraction, resting with the peanut ball, the shower. I loved how the tub felt but every time I got in my contractions would slow down, so I couldn’t use it as I hoped. Meaningful music also helped enormously.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    So much relief and joy and pride and gratitude! Impossible to express fully.

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    Nehemiah, from the Bible. He was a man of great courage, generosity, humility, and prayer, and we hope our son will be the same.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Inform yourself about not just how you want birth to go, but also the pros and cons of common interventions even if you hope to never need them, to make decisions easier and more wisely at the moment if it’s necessary for your safety and the safety of your baby. If I hadn’t humbly accepted Pitocin and an epidural after two days in labor, I think I would have gotten a c-section for my stubbornness, but as it was I am so thankful for my vaginal birth just as it was! Also, you will never regret one minute of prenatal exercise!

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