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Birth Stories

Using Natural Remedies Was The Most Helpful Thing Carolyn Used During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had to be induced, since I was almost 2 weeks overdue. It took almost 24 hours for labor to start, after cervadil, a Foley catheter, my doctor breaking my water, and an IV full of pitocin. I realized I was really in labor when the contractions finally started to hurt enough for me to need to breathe through them.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Dealing with that amount of pain with no meds was certainly a challenge, but wasn't more than I could handle until I was fully dialated and ready to push.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Probably using natural remedies was the most helpful thing. I was drinking red raspberry leaf tea, taking evening primrose oil (orally and vaginally) eating figs, and rubbing Clary sage oil on my belly. I'm not sure which one of these was most effective but together I believe they made my contractions very effective and prevented me from tearing despite having an 8lb 9oz baby and pushing her out rather quickly.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    What surprised me most about my birth was how fast I progressed from 5 to 10 centimeters dilated. When the contractions became so intense that I didn't think I could take it for much longer, I asked my doctor to check me. When I heard 5 centimeters I started to lose my calm state of mind that I had worked so hard to maintain throughout my labor up until that point. I started to cry and said "if this is what it feels like at 5 centimeters I'll die before I reach 10. Immediately after that I had what felt like 3 contractions back to back, more painful and intense than any I'd had yet. It felt like my lower half was on fire and then I felt a lot of rectal pressure and the urge to push. When I told my doctor it was time to push she told me not yet, you're only at 5 centimeters. I said "well I'm pushing" so she checked me again and I was at a 10. I had gone from 5 to 10 in about 2 minutes!

  • Natural childbirth is probably the hardest thing you will ever do in life but it is SO worth it. Not only is it the healthiest option for you and baby but it's also super empowering and you will feel like you can do anything after that.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    For me, staying very calm was what helped me manage my pain the best. With every contraction I would breathe in slowly through my nose while counting as high as I could, and then slowly out through my mouth counting to the same number. It also helped to squeeze my partners hand, and have him put his other hand on my forehead since it was nice and cool.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Even though I swore I wouldn't deliver on my back and that I wanted to be in the more natural hands and knees position or squatting, I did end up delivering in the traditional laying on back with legs pulled back position. It felt right at the time, and I do feel like I was able to really use my pelvic floor in an effective way in that position.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Holding my baby for the first time was like nothing else I'd ever experienced. I was overwhelmed with love for her and relief that I had gotten her out safely and that she was breathing. She was all that mattered at that point

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    To go natural you have to really make up in your mind that pain meds are not an option. Remind yourself of your reasons for going natural. Having a support person is immensely helpful and will make all the difference. Someone that will encourage you and tell you how strong you are. The other most important thing is to stay calm. Slow deep breathing while counting during every contraction worked for me as well as having soothing music playing. Natural childbirth is probably the hardest thing you will ever do in life but it is SO worth it. Not only is it the healthiest option for you and baby but it's also super empowering and you will feel like you can do anything after that.

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