Birth Stories

Her Husband's Full Support And A Lot Of Prayers Helped Delon Achieve Her Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    It was Tuesday evening of 9/12/17 and my husband and I were watching our favorite show on Food Network, Chopped. At this stage in pregnancy I was 39 weeks and 3 days. The past few days I had noticed a light pink discharge but wasn't too concerned and just happy that "changes were happening in my cervix" as my midwife put it. But that night I noticed it was a little darker pink, closer to spotting, as if I were having a light period. Again, I wasn't too alarmed as this was another sign that my cervix was making progress and that we might be meeting our baby girl in a day or two. Phil and I went about our evening as usual and were both in bed by around 10:30. At this point in pregnancy I was pretty uncomfortable. I could barely get in and out of bed and just felt sore and heavy. I was laying on my side trying to shut off my thoughts but my mind was racing with excitement of knowing that I would be going into labor sometime soon. But I had no idea just how soon...

    Laying there I suddenly felt little Evergreen moving like crazy. I'm sure arms were flailing and legs were kicking. She would move a lot in general but nothing like this. I remember reaching over and tapping Phil on the back and whispering "Phil she is moving like crazy!" But he was out like a light. I laid back down on my side and closed my eyes. Within seconds I suddenly felt this big kick and felt a *pop*! It was the strangest sensation. Almost immediately I felt like a champagne bottle and the cork popping off and felt liquid gushing out. My eyes opened wide and I waddled clumsily to the bathroom, sat down on the toilet and looked down. My pants had large wet stains and my underwear was soaked through. "PHHIIILLLLL.... I think my water broke!" He quickly stumbled out of bed and came to the door wide-eyed. I showed him my pants and that is when we knew... this is really happening!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I can recall getting several shocked responses from people whenever I would tell them that I was planning to have a natural birth without any pain medication. "Oh girl, I am going to say a prayer for you!" I don't know how many times I heard/felt like I was a little crazy for not wanting a typical hospital birth with an epidural. My husband and I had done our research and prayed over it a lot and both felt that a natural birth was what God was wanting for our family. I didn't want to be drugged during labor and I also did not want my baby being medicated as well. Strangely I wanted to be able to feel and embrace the experience, whatever it was going to be--- I wanted to be in tune with my mind and body and remember what it was like to birth my daughter into the world. I don't know if I will have more children in the future, but I wanted this to be a positive and powerful experience and that is exactly the mindset I went into pregnancy with and even labor.

  • Evergreen-5-days-old
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Everyone prepares for childbirth differently. And honestly, there is no REAL way to prepare for it, because it is an unknown, unpredictable thing--- but you CAN prepare your mind, spirit, heart, and body. I battle with anxiety and when I first became pregnant I think I experienced some initial anxiety but it was nothing like I had experienced in my past. I prayed A LOT. I asked A LOT of questions to one of my close friends, Veronica, who was also pregnant but further along than me, and was also using the same midwife. I had an amazing birthing team that consisted of three God-sends: Dawn (midwife), Taryn (assistant), and Brandy (doula). They answered any question that I ever asked (and I asked a lot of questions lol) and offered me and my husband a lot of support along the way. I felt confident in my team; I never once doubted their expertise or capabilities. I also had started (sadly never finished) a book called Mindful Birthing about breathing techniques and exercises to help quiet your mind during labor and to just simply "be in the moment" and know that there will be pain but to embrace it and not fear it and to take it one contraction at a time, focusing on your breath and the moment. And by God's mighty hand and supernatural strength, I was able to do just that.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    At 11:27 I called my mom and said, "Well, hope you charged your phone because my water just broke." I remember the pure shock and excitement in her voice as she said, "Wow, really? Okay, I will gather my things and try and wake up!" We picked up my mom and embraced the long-haul to Edmond, OK (2.5 hours with 2 toll booths).

    A lot of things surprised me about my birth. I was surprised how calm my husband was as he drove 2.5 hours to the birthing center. He later told me that he surprisingly never went more than 5 miles over the speed limit. I was surprised at how quiet my mom was during the car ride, save for the few times she would lean over and ask me how I was doing and start to get worried about how close my contractions were apart. From the time my water broke (11:00 pm) to the time we made it to the birthing center, my contractions were never more than 5 minutes apart. It was probably the longest car ride of my life. And even though I couldn't help but watch the clock and wonder how much further we had to go, and even when my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart, every time I felt another contraction coming on I would grab Phil's hand and tightly squeeze his fingers. I wanted his hand for every contraction. Somehow, through the pain and discomfort, I found it extremely comforting knowing that I was so loved and supported and that I was NOT alone. My mom was in the backseat texting friends and family and I knew that a lot of people were praying for us all. I prayed continuously, and so was my husband with every squeeze.

    I was surprised at how calm and strong I felt. Yes it was uncomfortable, yes it was a pain I had never experienced before, yes it sucked that I was laboring in the car, and yes I was a little afraid-- but never once did I doubt that we wouldn't make it in time. I never doubted that God would get us to where we needed to be safely. I never doubted that He would carry me through every contraction until I was really ready to start pushing.

    Along the ride I received a text from my midwife saying that her and Brandy (our doula) were not at the birthing center but occupied by another birth, and that they would do their best to be there, but that Taryn (assistant) would be there waiting upon our arrival. When we arrived Phil helped me gently ease myself out of the car and into the center. It was hard to walk and I needed to pee so bad. But I was not able to. I thought maybe it was just nerves and I asked if I could try a different restroom. I still was not able to go, but I started to notice that during each contraction my body kept telling me to lean forward and push. I felt heavy pressure down there and my body naturally was inclined to lean forward. I told Taryn and she checked me to see how much I had dilated. I'll admit I was dreading this part. I knew it would be uncomfortable and probably even a bit painful, and it was. Again, I was comforted and reassured by the hand of my husband. I squeezed tight and embraced it. It felt like it took forever, but was relieved and shocked when she looked at me with a wide smile and said, "You are at a 9! Maybe even a 10, you are basically there! Can you believe it?" And I really could not.

  • Trust your instincts. Don't fight your body. Breathe. Relax. You're doing great, you've made it this far! If you're spiritual definitely turn to God in prayer... He will be with you! Your labor may not go exactly as planned or at all as you planned... there are just some things you cannot plan for, but know that you can do this, this is your story, your process, your journey---mama you are doing it and you're doing great.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Remembering to breathe. Trusting my mind, body, and Jesus. Lots of Jesus! If you have a hand to hold/squeeze (chances are you will want to squeeze) do it! Focusing my energy on my breathing and releasing any negative thought or worry that would come my way. I was NOT about to birth this baby on the side of the road. Letting my body do what it was made to do. Not holding anything back and just being in the moment. Being unashamed of my body and what it was doing. Calming my breath and breathing deeply during contractions until the next one.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I had planned to give birth in a birthing tub and so at this point Taryn starts filling up the tub. We had the whole birthing center to ourselves and got to choose which room we wanted to be in. I choose the last room, "The Lavender Room", with a queen sized bed and two person birthing tub. Taryn had already posted mybirthing affirmations that I had printed for her to hang on the wall. Still laying in the bed, she gave me a peanut shaped birthing ball to position one of my legs over to help me dilate to 10 cm. I still felt like I needed to push during contractions and I did not stop my body when it wanted to lean forward. My husband continued to hold my hand as I contracted in this position for about 10 minutes.

    It wasn't until I undressed and got in the tub with Phil that a sweet lady named Yvonne showed up. Taryn had to call in backup because my midwife and doula were still at the other birth. I initially remember feeling a little sad and disappointed that they were not there, but I felt so at ease with Taryn and even Yvonne (a stranger I had never met) that I was okay with it. The water felt warm and comforting and I sat up on my knees and bent over the side of the tub and held on continuing to push. Phil was in the water with me and had his hands pressed on my lower back and hips holding me and massaging me during each contraction. My mom brought a pillow from the bed and I placed my arms and elbows on the pillow and I laid my head down and prayed and pushed and prayed and pushed. At one point they told me to reach down and feel my baby's head and I did. More praying and pushing and praying and pushing. I knew I was close, I knew it would be just moments before getting to meet our sweet miracle.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    The coolest part of the whole process was during that last push and I felt her being released from my body and into the water, into the hands of my husband. He caught her and brought her up through the water and placed her in my hands. I leaned back on Phil and placed the baby on my chest. I did it. I just gave birth to our baby girl. I really and truly did it. I knew that I could, but in that moment I REALLY knew just how strong and capable I was.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Trust your instincts. Don't fight your body. Breathe. Relax. You're doing great, you've made it this far! If you're spiritual definitely turn to God in prayer... He will be with you! Your labor may not go exactly as planned or at all as you planned... there are just some things you cannot plan for, but know that you can do this, this is your story, your process, your journey---mama you are doing it and you're doing great. Find someone that can be there with you to support you. Support is so important. Be surrounded by someone/people that love and care for you. You got this.

    A lot of things kind of blur together from the time she was born until we left the birthing center just a few hours later, and even in the days following when your house is constantly filled with people wanting to see and hold your baby and just help take care of you. But I will never forget that day, and I can't wait to share it with precious little Evergreen Noelle. From the time my water broke to the time she was born 9/13/17 at 3:58 AM, weighing 6.12 oz, 21 inches long, I only labored for 5 hours. My only explanation is because of prayer, listening to my body, and relaxing my mind. And believing in my birthing team, even if they weren't all able to be there for my delivery---but ultimately, believing in myself. Believing that I was the woman God was constantly telling me about, and embracing every moment. Because every moment... was MORE than worth it.

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