Birth Stories

Hiring Midwives Helped Sara During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When I woke up at 604am with a huge contraction.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The last few contractions. I was sitting on the toilet and needed to move off of it, and even between ctx my legs just wouldn't work. My husband had to pull me upright (while holding one hand under me since my body had begun pushing)and help maneuver me to the bed.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Prep my husband! We had hired midwives to assist us, but knew there was a good chance they wouldn't make it in time. So I made sure her had ideas for comfort measures, knew what to do if we had challenges, and that he was ve Rd you familiar with my birthing wishes and would be my advocate in case of changes to the "plan", like a transfer. I'm a doula, so this all came naturally, but making sure I communicated it to him was very important. He had his own version of the birth plan so it was written down somewhere, but also so he could remember it offhand better, having seen it written. Also making sure his thoughts and opinions were part of the process. Had he not been comfortable catching our baby, we would have made other plans.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How quick it was! One hour, from first contraction to birth. Good thing we hadn't planned on going anywhere!

  • Commit. If you go in thinking, "I'm going to try, but I might want medical pain relief", you'll likely end up with it. KNOW you can do it, have faith that your body knows how, and don't let anyone put any doubt in your mind. Have a team of support people you trust 100% (a doctor who is "nice" isn't good enough. You need real support!). Do your best so that you can look back with no regrets. Sometimes things change and we have to adjust, but don't cross that bridge until you get there. You've got this, mama!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Low "oohhhhhh" sounds, hanging on husbands neck and allowing him to help hold me up, sitting on toilet, moving as I needed to.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Hands and knees.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazing! Warm and wet and sweet and triumphant!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Commit. If you go in thinking, "I'm going to try, but I might want medical pain relief", you'll likely end up with it. KNOW you can do it, have faith that your body knows how, and don't let anyone put any doubt in your mind. Have a team of support people you trust 100% (a doctor who is "nice" isn't good enough. You need real support!). Do your best so that you can look back with no regrets. Sometimes things change and we have to adjust, but don't cross that bridge until you get there. You've got this, mama!

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