Birth Stories

Hypnobirthing Practices, Prayer And Mama Natural Birth Course Helped Anna Achieve Her Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had been crampy-feeling all day long, but I didn't really think it meant anything. Around 11 that evening, contractions started in full force. I decided to take a shower and see if they calmed down... they didn't!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I was in labor for three days. My contractions started at about 2 minutes apart, so getting any rest was nearly impossible. As labor was coming to an end, I was completely exhausted!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I used hypnobirthing practices and focused on breathing and eliminating fear surrounding labor and birth. I went into this experience as close to fearless as I could, and I think it made all the difference. I also had an AMAZING team surrounding me - my husband, doula, midwife and an amazing L&D nurse who was also a doula!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised by how long my labor was, but I still have a positive memory of my birth. I have had people ask me if I regretted going natural, and my answer is absolutely not. I had an incredibly positive birth experience.

  • I think the most important things you can do are to eliminate fear and surround yourself with a good team. I used hypnobirthing visualizations and prayer to eliminate fear. My husband and I watched the Mama Natural Birth Course, which helped him know what I needed from him during labor. I chose an amazing team of midwives who were exactly what I needed. I had an incredible doula (seriously, get one!). I also labored at a very baby-friendly hospital who did not make me fight too hard on my natural preferences.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Intense focus through hypnobirthing was extremely helpful. My husband also applied counterpressure during contractions. I did use nitrous during transition for a bit, and it helped take the edge off.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Like nothing I've ever felt before. I felt strong and amazed at myself and my body. I felt overwhelmed at the love I had for this tiny human that I had held inside me for 9 months. I felt so grateful for my team and my husband.

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    Eliezer - Eliezer was a name that my husband had wanted to use since before we even got married. It means "Faithful Servant".

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    I think the most important things you can do are to eliminate fear and surround yourself with a good team. I used hypnobirthing visualizations and prayer to eliminate fear. My husband and I watched the Mama Natural Birth Course, which helped him know what I needed from him during labor. I chose an amazing team of midwives who were exactly what I needed. I had an incredible doula (seriously, get one!). I also labored at a very baby-friendly hospital who did not make me fight too hard on my natural preferences.

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