Birth Stories

Ina May's Guide Helped Johnna During Her Labor In the Woods

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Minoux's birth in the woods started Monday day, I started contractions. Nothing major but they were regular. I could still walk and talk and help Lue and clean and buzz around like a plump little pumpkin. We decided to drive out to the woods on Max's parents property where his Dad built us the "birth center". He cut down the grass and vegetation on the area they called "Mugwamp Flats" where Max used to have a fort built when he was little. He made us three "rooms" amongst the trees. One small, cozy and protected. One middle sized room with open area and tall trees. And one larger room with no trees and closest to the lake and swamp area. It was basically the story of the Three Little Bears, but the outdoor birth center version. It was incredibly sweet of him and thoughtful the way he planned out the area for us.

    These ended up being the only supplies we used during labor. Blankets, Chamomile tea, and that mushroom stool for leaning on in the woods.

    On our drive out to the woods, I began to count my contractions and they were coming every four minutes for about 40 seconds a piece. We set up the rest of the tiki torches and got the blankets set. It was just wonderful to be out there, just us three (plus Minoux) in full anticipation, still knowing it might not be her time yet. We called Karen and we all decided to wait and see how things progressed.

    Lue went to sleep at Mimi and Poppy's house and Max and I continued laboring outside. We sat underneath the willow tree we planted when we got married at their home and land five years ago. We laid on the damp grass and stared at the stars. We encouraged labor to come. We made love in the woods. We walked out in the country and I saw a shooting star. We talked about the best things we love about Luella. We dreamed of what Minoux might be like. Yes, these hours were perfect. I hate sometimes feeling guilty of good moments. As if, as I write, I must search for the cynical or sarcastic or terrible thing that accompanied the good. These hours with him were perfect. I will remember this night forever as possibly the most wonderful night of my life with Max. Contractions stayed regular and consistent and we decided to try to get sleep. We slept in the barn and awoke to the sun. We felt mildy dissapointed that things didn't progress more but had to trust the process and the timing. We knew that labor was designed to unfold on it's own time. 

    I sipped on Red Raspberry Leaf Tea which tones the uterus. We were getting so excited and felt like the night and morning had been slinking by slowly. Max thought we should rest in the barn for a bit in case our strength needed to be bottled up for later. I had just heard his breath deepen and my eyes were one blink away from closed, when I felt Minoux's shoulders make two of the slightest movements up and down. She moved the way she moved throughout the entire pregnancy. Calm, slow, kitten like moves. It felt as if this kitty was stretching from a long nap, ever so tenderly and my waters released. With Lue, they broke my water for me and weirdly it has been something I always dreamed of feeling naturally, curious about how it might feel. I woke Max. It was a little after 1:30. 

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Staying focused mentally. Actually believing in myself and my body.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    The biggest book inspiration was Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. Watching animal birth videos and "birth without fear" videos on YouTube. Reciting and leaving written out affirmations around the house.."my body is made to birth... My baby is safe... I am strong.." Healthy, clean foods throughout pregnancy and active exercise.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How fun it was.

  • Our pregnant bodies are made to birth! In the woods, in your home, in the hospital. Our bodies produce everything we need to accomplish labor. Research this and believe in your body and yourself. Don't let others tell you what to do with your own body. You can do this!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Mental visualization of my baby moving through my body. Breathing in the outdoor air. Reciting my affirmations out loud. Moving my body during labor.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    All fours, on a quilt and some pine needles!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Better than I can even explain. Nothing will ever top the feeling, I am sure! I'd give birth again to her tonight if I could, just to feel that feeling again.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Our pregnant bodies are made to birth! In the woods, in your home, in the hospital. Our bodies produce everything we need to accomplish labor. Research this and believe in your body and yourself. Don't let others tell you what to do with your own body. You can do this!

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