Birth Stories

Katelyn's Amazing Natural Birth After Preeclampsia with First Child

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Since I was going completely natural during my second labor and my first labor was not natural, all the sensations and pains were new to me. I knew I was in labor when I was no longer joking around with my husband and had to really focus and breathe during my contractions. I could no longer talk during contractions or do anything else. I could only focus on breathing slowly and riding out the wave of the contraction!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    After having a very difficult and traumatizing first birth due to pre-eclampsia, I wanted to redeem my second labor and delivery process. For both pregnancies my goal was to go all natural but due to my high blood pressure and other complications during my first pregnancy, that just wasn't in the cards. But the most challenging thing going natural was just letting go and completely trusting your body and God and knowing that everything will go the way it is supposed to go.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Since my first labor and delivery was far from picture perfect (who's is after all?) I was very scared being pregnant again. I think specifically after having a difficult first delivery you need to allow yourself to heal. After healing mentally and being honest with myself and recognizing that it's ok to be scared, I thought of labor and a whole new light - a positive, hopeful experience without certain expectations. I think the most helpful thing to do to prepare is to be honest with yourself about how you really feel about labor and to trust your body!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised how truly awesome and wonderful birthing a baby can be. Since I had a rough time with my first pregnancy (pre-eclampsia, blood transfusions, loads and loads of medication, baby in NICU, not remembering my delivery fully) I had a bit of an unsure view on labor. But after having my second baby and having a much easier time, I realized how absolutely perfect and beautiful birthing a baby can be. It's designed perfectly and is a wonderful, awesome thing.

  • I could no longer talk during contractions or do anything else. I could only focus on breathing slowly and riding out the wave of the contraction!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Massage, deep relaxing breathing, knowing that your body is designed and well equipped to deliver a baby.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Standing! I felt the most natural pushing while standing. It was amazing.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Relief. Amazement. Gratefulness. It was pure bliss! What an amazing gift babies are!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Trust and listen closely to your bodily instincts. If going natural doesn't work due to complications, don't fret and just do what you can. Sometimes things don't go as expected and that is perfectly fine. You can do it!

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