Birth Stories

Making Sure They Are At The Same Page With Her Birth Team Helped Tara During Her Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I was already at the hospital because I was 13 days late and had to be induced with a cervical ripener (no pitocin just Misoproxl) and I had been walking the halls/playing UNO but I realized I couldn't walk or play card games anymore I needed to lie down and start focusing on my breath to get through those early contractions.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I had back labor for over 12 hours and only one position with both my husband using counter pressure on my back and my Doula gripping my hands as I rolled around on a birthing ball was remotely possible to get through each contraction- nothing else allowed enough pressure on my back and I had to have that pressure to get through it. Also my Back labor and contractions often came coupled-two together back to back with barely a few seconds in between- so I would be asked a question and have an answer in my head, but I couldn't talk because the pain would come so close together I had to deep moan and roll through each one waiting to respond about what we could try next!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I made sure my birth team was on the same page- the birth center, the midwives, my Doula and husband were all in this same head-space and knew what I hoped for and how I was trying to have my birth go despite being induced. We stuck with my hopes and everyone made every effort to make sure we could try and get through it naturally- and we did! 20 hours with 12+ of back labor and it happened all naturally no epidural no pitocin and no c-section!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I felt like I was on another planet- in another plane of existence and time and reality were not really apparent in the same way- I was exhausted but determined- I just got into a groove and I never looked back. I also was in such pain in early labor I thought how could I not be in transition yet?! But I went straight from 1 cm to 10 without any drugs as soon as that baby flipped and descended and then boom I was ready! I also was not expecting the afterbirth to hurt so much- my placenta broke off and I had to have it fished out manually.. so that was shockingly painful after just delivering vaginally...!

  • Don't be discouraged and don't be too stubborn either- in the end as long as baby is healthy and you can be a healthy Mama to him/her nothing else will really matter. The energy and feeling in the room when your child finally comes into the world is what you'll remember!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Counter pressure strong strong counter pressure, deep rhythmic low long moaning breathing, the exercise ball the whole time, and just focusing on the moment, one contraction at a time each one just that one and not looking at how far I had to go!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was on my side lying down holding my husbands hands with my legs held open like a pair of scissors oddly enough.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Like I was finally meeting someone I already knew! Like I couldn't believe I actually got to hold and kiss and feel her after all that waiting for 10 long months - like everything in life meant nothing because she meant everything.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You are stronger than you think and braver than you know! Don't give up -do listen to your birth team- but choose your birth team carefully - be open to any and all possibilities but keep your vision clear of what is the most important to you and just take it minute by minute hour by hour. Don't be discouraged and don't be too stubborn either- in the end as long as baby is healthy and you can be a healthy Mama to him/her nothing else will really matter. The energy and feeling in the room when your child finally comes into the world is what you'll remember!

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