Birth Stories

Relaxation Practice And Healthy Eating Helped Kendra During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When my husband and doula made me get in the car to go to the hospital (which was a hour away) and I had a harder time focusing through my 2-3 minute apart contractions. I was not fully convinced until my midwife checked me in triage and I was 5 cm already :O

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The mental battle beforehand. I was constantly second guessing my decisions, I had to really rely on evidence based facts, my faith in my creator, and other positive birth stories to keep me at peace. Truly knowing I was doing the right thing for me and my baby was a struggle.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Relaxation practice and healthy eating! Practicing meditation and focused relaxation were key in my birth experience, I was very focused and very calm because I was ready and had skills to help accept what my body was doing. I also worked hard to eat whole foods, good fats, and protein (until the last few weeks when I just really needed some treats!) and saw a naturopath throughout the pregnancy who managed my prenatal supplements.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How fast it went (less than 12 hours) and how focused my body/brain were! It was hard work but it never felt unmanageable or out of control. I was fully "in the zone" when the contractions came and I felt very confident. Pushing was HARD but I only pushed for one hour and barely tore. My water stayed intact until I had my midwife break it halfway through pushing because it was IN THE WAY and one of the thickest membranes she'd seen! I kept asking myself throughout labor when was the pain going to get really bad? it did during transition but by the time I realized it was very painful it was time to start pushing and I met my little girl shortly after!

  • Prepare! no one embarks on a successful journey with preparing beforehand. Even before you conceive, you can prepare through healthy eating, working on your relationship with your partner, and being active to get your body ready to hold an amazing gift. Make sure you prepare your mind as well- meditation on scripture, positive visualization, and birth affirmations were key for my mental preparedness, they really helped me be at peace.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    When the contractions came I focused on relaxing each muscle group in my body from my feet and legs up to my head, I also visualized the "wave" of the contraction coming and going. During transition the birth pool was a lifesaver! It was sooooo nice to be weightless I fell asleep on the side holding my husband's hand in-between the contractions.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I tried multiple positions, pushing in and out of the birth pool, I was blessed to be in a very progressive hospital with a midwife group that encouraged me to do what felt right to me during labor. I ended up using a squatting bar on the bed to finally get her out!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazing, I was so surprised that all of a sudden I was a mom! I was overwhelmed with how beautiful and alert she was, I couldn't believe I'd really done it!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Prepare! no one embarks on a successful journey with preparing beforehand. Even before you conceive, you can prepare through healthy eating, working on your relationship with your partner, and being active to get your body ready to hold an amazing gift.
    Make sure you prepare your mind as well- meditation on scripture, positive visualization, and birth affirmations were key for my mental preparedness, they really helped me be at peace.

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