Birth Stories

Samantha Managed Her Gestational Diabetes to Achieve Her Natural Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had been having two weeks of annoying Braxton Hicks contraction and was over my 'due date'. I had gestational diabetes, and despite being in a midwife led program, I was feeling the pressure to agree to an induction. However, I was determined to have a natural and spontaneous labour and was positive l could because my BSL were controlled through diet, my baby was measuring perfect and I had plenty of fluid. After trying all the natural ways to gently get the contractions going (pressure points, acupuncture, expressing/nipped stimulation), I consented to S&S and 24hrs later AROM. While I wasn't 100% happy with it then, and still not now, it helped get things moving along and mentally, I think I needed it. Contractions got stronger like my first pregnancy until they were like this wave that would start at my groin and spread over my belly and back down. By the time came to push, they were radiating down my back and bottom. I laboured on a ball, on the ball in the shower, walking up the stairs, holding onto my husband and then eventually in the birthing pool.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The hardest thing is mental. Both times I have doubted whether I can do it - while in late stage labour - but pure determination and stubbornness stopped me from asking for anything. Once you read the benefits of going natural and all the side effects and disadvantages of using drugs or an epidural, you often have no option in your mind to do anything else. Going natural wore me out but pure adrenaline kicks in and afterwards you feel like you could do ANYTHING.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    My second pregnancy was more enjoyable because I had the knowledge to manage my gestation diabetes and not feel deprived. I felt more satisfied and full, which made me happier! It's all the about the protein, good fats and energizing carbs... Rather than low carb, low fat fake food they recommend.
    I researched everything, especially about the time of birth I wanted (natural water birth) and how other women coped. Knowledge is power and if I didn't inform myself, I would have been bullied and pressured into more interventions and monitoring than was, in my opinion, necessary.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised that I pushed my baby girl out myself, after having a vacuum-assisted first birth with my son! And that it happened two hours after my waters being broken. But my favourite part, was after all the incredible powerful and painful surges, and being so hot in the pool, I push out my baby in about 20 minutes and I caught her and brought her to my chest myself! I still get teary, 15months later, thinking about that beautiful moment. I said "hello darling" and sat there crying and kissing her! It was exactly what I wanted in the end.

  • Going natural wore me out but pure adrenaline kicks in and afterwards you feel like you could do ANYTHING.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Water! Massage from husband and midwife support aunt. My favourite music playing, my favourite Essential Oil diffusing and looking at my positive affirmations on the wall.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Kneeling in a birth pool. 100% better than laying on a bed, legs spread having a vacuum-assisted birth with my first.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was absolutely beautiful and makes me so happy reliving that moment in my mind. Feeling her head crowning, touching her hair as I pushed through the 'ring of fire' and then lifting her out of the water onto my chest, it was perfect! I dreamed about that movement the whole pregnancy!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Educate yourself on what to expect and decide what you want! Make a detailed birth plan, not just for your health provider, but for yourself and your partner. Stick up for yourself and don't let anyone bully you into what you don't want. Have the right support people around you. Prepare for the 4th trimester (meals, rest, tidy house etc). And enjoy the moment!

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