Birth Stories

Stephanie's Unassisted Natural Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I woke up to diarrhea at 1:30 AM and was suspicious because that is how my first 2 labors began. I sat in the bathroom alone jokingly texting my sister that I might have a baby in a few hours. Contractions began after about 40 mins of being on the toilet. After just a couple, I knew I was going in to labor because I don't have painful contractions when I'm not in labor.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Oddly enough, it's always most difficult for me to deal with my husband's nerves. I handle birth very well because my body does all the work and I trust in my own strength. It's harder for my husband because he doesn't like feeling out of control and doesn't understand first hand what childbirth is really like. The societal fear of childbirth has affected him, unfortunately. Even after witnessing me birth our children naturally without any complication... He still gets nervous every time.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    With my first, I read everything I could get my hands on regarding natural birth. I made a birth plan but unfortunately, my birth provider went against my plan when it came time to birth in the hospital. The same thing happened with a different birth provider in my second hospital birth. That was when I realized, if I wanted to be respected in birth, I had to be on my own turf and I looked to home birth!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I unexpectedly delivered unassisted! I have precipitous births (under 4 hours for both of my first 2 labors) and despite me warning my midwife about this, she didn't come over when I called her when I knew labor was starting. She asked me to call her when I couldn't talk through a contraction. But for me, that doesn't happen until transition, which was too late for her to arrive in time at that point. My labor was less than 2.5 hours from my start to finish. I was happy to deliver unassisted though. It was so freeing to be completely uninhibited for the first time. No one telling me what position to be in or to get hooked up to monitors or vaginal exams in the midst of labor! I was able to deliver my way for the first time and it was the easiest birth and recovery I've ever had!

  • I was happy to deliver unassisted though. It was so freeing to be completely uninhibited for the first time. No one telling me what position to be in or to get hooked up to monitors or vaginal exams in the midst of labor! I was able to deliver my way for the first time and it was the easiest birth and recovery I've ever had!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    For me, the toilet is my best pain reliever. I always spend a majority of my labors sitting there alone. My Mom is also a great pain reliever because she tells me how great I'm doing and pumps me up for each contraction. I can relax with my Mom's presence and it always helps my pain management.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    On all fours on my bathroom floor! It was like a dream! I felt a pushing contraction while sitting on the toilet. I got off to try to slow things down but I lost the strength in my legs so I got down on all fours and with only 2 more pushes my third beautiful baby came in to the world! My Mom got to catch her from behind me!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I'm always in shock immediately after I give birth! It's so surreal to have my babies on the outside after so many months of them being inside. I'm in awe and on a complete birth high for the first day. I always feel like I could climb a mountain I'm so happy and excited!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do your research and if you choose a hospital birth, don't go without a doula or someone who can help you fight for your birth plan and what you know your body needs. If that person isn't your husband or family member, hire a doula! As much as you want to advocate for yourself, you likely won't be in a position to do that while in labor land. The last thing you want to do is be arguing with a hospital nurse or doctor about decisions you've already made while you are having contractions. In my first 2 hospital births, no one listened to me when I begged and pleaded to be able to deliver on all fours instead of on my back. In the hospital, often times, the birth provider is so used to the back position that they can't imagine catching a baby any other way (even when it's at your and baby's expense). That position (for me) is the most incredibly painful position to birth in and the most stressful! I can say that especially now that I've finally experienced the alternative. Even my recovery was so much easier being able to birth on all fours. The point is, you need someone to enforce your needs when in a hospital. You need a strong voice and a doula can provide that for you.

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