Birth Stories

Switching From an OBGYN to a Midwives Group Helped Samantha During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My water broke around 6:30pm on Behrett's due date. I was sitting at the dinner table after we had eaten and I felt a small gush of liquid that I didn't experience with my first born. Mild contractions started and grew closer together throughout the night. I was too excited to sleep so I danced around the living room watching Ellen. We drove to the hospital around 1:30am with contractions 3-4 minutes apart. They slowed in the car and when we got there found out I was only at 2.5cm!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Not knowing how painful it's going to get. I had an epidural with my first born so I had no idea what to expect. The intensity was shocking. The last contractions to get from 8 to 10cm dialated were the absolute hardest part!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Switching from an OBGYN to a midwives group. I was able to still have non-natural options with a hospital birth (just in case) but the benefits of experienced midwives and the ability to do a water birth. Mental preparation was key for me!! My husband and I took a birthing class specifically catered to the goal of a natural birth. That made a huge difference compared to our first child. Reading about hypnobirthing and lots of mama natural birth stories ahead of time really helped me understand what to expect and how to push through the pain while staying relaxed. It was almost exciting getting through each contraction knowing that they were getting me closer to birth! When I was confined to the bed to be monitored my focal point was a Where’s Waldo? Book and it worked very well to keep me occupied through my contractions! I highly recommend it. ;) The nurse even started looking at it with me, haha, although I didn’t like it when she pointed him out! I wanted the book to last through labor!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was most surprised about the pushing and crowning that I was so scared of. I thought this would be the most painful part of it all but it was a breeze after the insane contractions I had to get to that point. The crowning probably wasn't that noticeable because I was in the water.

  • You can do it!!! If you want to go natural - it is up to YOU to require support. I wanted to go natural for my first baby but I was very unprepared and my husband offered me an epidural at the first sign of real pain. Make your wishes known and make sure your support person knows how to meet you needs. I didn't want anyone to offer me pain relief, I wanted them to tell me I could do it! Also, don't fight the pain - it is there to get you closer to birth! Embrace it, focus on relaxing every inch of your body, breath through it, and it will all be over soon!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Movement! During the early contractions I danced, walked, shifted my hips back and forth and concentrated on breathing. When the really intense contractions started I was already in the birthing tub and I didn't feel like I could move around. I ended up sinking into the pain and circling my arms in a fluid repeatable motion while concentrating hard on my breathing which was all I could do to keep from hyperventilating.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Sitting in a birthing tub leaning back.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Phenomenal. Knowing that I pushed through all of that and we worked together through the contractions to get him out made me so proud. And it certainly helped that the pain was gone! :)

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You can do it!!! If you want to go natural - it is up to YOU to require support. I wanted to go natural for my first baby but I was very unprepared and my husband offered me an epidural at the first sign of real pain. Make your wishes known and make sure your support person knows how to meet you needs. I didn't want anyone to offer me pain relief, I wanted them to tell me I could do it! Also, don't fight the pain - it is there to get you closer to birth! Embrace it, focus on relaxing every inch of your body, breath through it, and it will all be over soon!

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