Birth Stories

Taking a Comprehensive Birth Class Helped Madeline During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I spent two VERY long days in early labor. I even got sent home from the hospital by a very rude and condescending doctor who told me I wasn't in labor, but there was no way I could know because I couldn't measure the dilation of my cervix. The next day, I heard my water break as I was sitting on the couch (What a crazy sensation!). When I stood up to check if there was any fluid, I had my most intense contraction yet. That was when I knew something had changed, and my baby was DEFINITELY coming!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging thing was really the attitudes of the people outside my support group. People didn't believe that I, a first time mom, could do it. My doctor and the nurses really pushed for me to keep my options open for an epidural. I knew what I wanted, so I stuck to my guns and didn't fill out the paperwork that would allow me to get an epidural. My husband's aunt told me I was insane for choosing a natural birth. She actually used the word insane!! The actual birth itself was wonderful. It was intense. The most intense thing I've ever done. But truthfully, I felt so prepared, and there was never a moment that I thought I couldn't do it.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    The three most helpful things I did to prepare were: 1. Take a comprehensive birth class. My husband and I attended Birth Boot Camp, which is focused on natural birth and talks about EVERYTHING from physiology of birth to diet during pregnancy to comfort measures for dad to use during labor.
    2. Hire a doula! Our Birth Boot Camp instructor was also my doula. She was the absolute best investment I made in my birth. She believed in me and supported me through those long days of early labor. She was so knowledgeable about how to help when my high blood pressure required that I stay in bed once we arrived at the hospital.
    3. Write birth affirmations! A couple of weeks before my baby was born, I spent a whole evening writing down Bible verses and affirmations about my birth and my baby. I put them up all over my house, in every room. I read them aloud to myself when I was alone!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    It felt so quick!! Labor brain is a real thing! From the time we got to the hospital to the time my daughter was born was almost 5 hours. It barely felt like 1! Someone asked me later how long I thought I pushed. "15 minutes?" I guessed. It was almost 50! I was so focused on myself and on birthing my baby that time flew by. When you center yourself and focus on letting your body work, time disappears!

  • Choose your support team wisely!!! My husband, my mom, and my doula all believed 100% in my desire to birth naturally. They supported me in that decision every step of the way and did everything they could to make me comfortable. Knowing they were with me gave me courage and helped me to believe in myself!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My doula brought a rebozo-like scarf that she and my mom used to help do hip squeezes. It was amazing for the bit of back labor that I had as my baby moved over my tailbone. I used a lot of low moaning to focus my breath during contractions, which felt so productive and gave me something to concentrate on.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I labored and delivered laying on my left side. I wouldn't have thought that would be my position of choice, but it was perfect because I was facing away from the door, so I didn't see anyone come in or out of the room. I got to stay focused on myself, my baby, and my support team.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was magnificent. And such a sweet relief. She was mostly quiet and so alert. It was so wonderful to meet this tiny person who had been my constant companion for 39 weeks and 5 days. Combined with the amazing knowledge that I was no longer pregnant, I've never experienced something so beautiful.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Choose your support team wisely!!! My husband, my mom, and my doula all believed 100% in my desire to birth naturally. They supported me in that decision every step of the way and did everything they could to make me comfortable. Knowing they were with me gave me courage and helped me to believe in myself!

    You will know when it is time to go to the hospital. My contractions got to 3 minutes apart which is when we agreed to go to the hospital. But I wasn't sure it was time. My support team urged me to go, and I agreed because I didn't want to have a baby in the car! My labor stalled out when I got to the hospital, and they ended up sending me home. The next day, after my water broke, I knew without a doubt that it was time to go!

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(without leaving your couch)

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