Birth Stories

Making a Birth Affirmation Wall in Her Birth Room Helped Nicole During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I realized I was in labor when the warm bath was not taking the edge off of the cramps anymore. I was feeling these cramps (which I now know as contractions!) for 11 hours before I realized this was the real deal!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Not really to do with natural birth but more to do with home birth, but the most challenging thing of having a home birth for me was calling my doula and midwives in the middle of the night! I felt like the biggest inconvenience to call at 1:30 am. I was determined to wait until 8 am to give them a call to come over, I didn't want to wake them up! If it wasn't for my husband to reassure me that it is their job and it is more than normal to call them in the middle of the night to update them and tell them I needed support, I might have not had that support when I truly needed it!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I made a birth affirmation wall in my birth room where I was preparing to have my home birth. It was filled with bible verses, birth affirmations, pictures of different birthing poses, and my birth plan. It was very encouraging and made me feel confident having a natural home birth. For 8 weeks before the birth of our son, I would sit on my birthing ball each day and read the affirmations out loud and meditate. It was time with God, baby and myself to prepare for the birthing journey ahead and it helped during an intense back labor. I would recommend it to any mom looking for some peace before and during labor!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Back labor surprised me. Even when a mama does acupuncture, Nutritional Response testing, chiropractor and Mama Natural's 7 birth exercises daily, the birth might not go as planned and you end up with back labor, and guess what?! That is okay! Because in the end you reflect on the birth and realize you are stronger and more confident than when baby was in your belly! I was determined that if I did X, Y, & Z, during pregnancy, my birth would go as planned and be magical. But instead, I went through painful back labor for 30 hours at home, unmedicated. But when baby arrived with no interventions and healthy, I felt like I conquered the world and I could do anything. Holding my precious son in my arms was worth the unplanned, painful, and long labor.

  • Surround yourself with people who want the same birth plan as you and are encouraging! If it wasn't for my amazing midwives and being at home for the birth, I know that after 30 hours of my challenging birth, the hospital would have been pushing for some sort of intervention. Trust your birth team and get to know them during your prenatal visits to be more comfortable with them during the labor! :)
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Low and deep voice/howls helped during contractions. Keep it low and deep!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    The midwives call it the runner stance... I would call it more the Tim Tebow pose! :)

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Words don't describe it! Even going through a challenging birth with back labor, having the midwives place my baby on my chest was the biggest award I could ever receive! :) The midwives did not announce the gender, so it was even more special when I lifted up the leg to announce it was a baby boy! That first hour of skin to skin and bonding as a family was beautiful and special, I will cherish it forever!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Surround yourself with people who want the same birth plan as you and are encouraging! If it wasn't for my amazing midwives and being at home for the birth, I know that after 30 hours of my challenging birth, the hospital would have been pushing for some sort of intervention. Trust your birth team and get to know them during your prenatal visits to be more comfortable with them during the labor! :)

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