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Birth Stories

Taking a Natural Birth Class With Her Spouse Helped Michaela During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    They always say expect your first to be past your due date, however our little one decided to join us at 37.5 weeks and make a beautiful entrance on my first Mother's day.
    On a beautiful Saturday May morning in the Pacific Northwest my husband and I were enjoying lunch in the backyard. After the first bite we laughed about something and then I exclaimed, "Opps, I think I just peed." We both laughed it off as this was a normal occurrence most of my pregnancy. As I stood up I started to 'pee' a lot more. At that moment I realized I had no control over this liquid and exclaimed, "I think my water just broke." Joe was shocked and surprised (it was May 10th, our due date was May 27th). After realizing this was the real thing Joe said we needed to call the midwife and doula. After spending the next several hours preparing for labor (I was not having any contractions) we went to sleep. An hour later I woke up to 'contractions' and knew that the marathon was beginning.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I've equated the labor of my first birth as a very long trail marathon or ultra endurance run. I really think that there is no way to prepare or know what to expect, which for me was difficult. The challenging parts were the length of my labor (27 hours) with minimal sleep or nutrition. I was unable to keep food down. In hindsight, I would have had more 'race ready' snacks and been fully prepared before 37 weeks for home birth. Meals planned out for the birth team, house a little more organized and cleaned for guests and all the little details. Transition and pushing were the most physically demanding and challenging because it is hard work. There were a lot of resources on how to prepare for a natural birth and also a lot of experts in our area. I felt extremely prepared for the birth physically and mentally. The most challenging part for me of the entire experience was after the birth. Postpartum hormones are wild, and breastfeeding was much more difficult than expected.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    We attended a child birthing class that connected us more as a couple. I also did a lot of research on home birth and looked at the scientific and evidence base that says a healthy pregnancy will have the least complications when labor is at home. The best thing we did was find the most experienced and reputable midwives and doula to be a part of our birth team.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    To have our first daughter on mother's day was magical. Holding her in my arms for the first time and all of my motherly instincts that happened the first moments I held her were amazing. I was surprised at the overwhelming emotions and the amazement I felt - I am forever changed. The hormones that guided this natural birth before and after were incredible.

  • To have our first daughter on mother's day was magical. Holding her in my arms for the first time and all of my motherly instincts that happened the first moments I held her were amazing.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    We had a birthing tub, but I did not enjoy it. A hot shower with the shower running on my back was incredible. Also, walking around my home with the ability to go outside and change environments helped me relax and be in the moment. Essential oils were a lifesaver when it came to the nausea I experienced. A lot of massage from my husband and doula, especially the more where they would both stand on each side and push down.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I spent a lot of time on the birthing stool, but delivered on my back in our bed. I was coached a lot by my experienced midwives which I was grateful for because at that point I don't think I could think about anything but the moment I was in. After looking back at my birth photos, which were incredible and worth every penny, I remember leaning back on my husband and falling asleep between contractions and pushing. It felt natural and was joyful to see my baby immediately.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    There is no way to explain the magical feeling that was created the first time I held her. My husband was fortunate enough to be able to put the baby on my chest however he almost lost himself in the moment and went to put her on his chest, none of which mattered to me. I was just overjoyed and relieved that we had all ran across the finish line uninjured and were able to joyfully celebrate the incredible journey we had just experienced.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Everyone has an opinion, and in the end trust yourself and your husband's decision. Personally, these are the few things that I think are imperative in having a successful natural birth. Pick you midwives carefully, do your research and choose someone with the most experience. If you have an OB look into their rates and the hospital rates of C-sections. Get an understanding of your medical providers support for a natural birth. Home birth has a lot of negative press and sounds scary, however if you are a healthy low risk mom the outcomes for you and baby can be much more beneficial. If you have your baby at home you won't be offered pain medication. If you choose a hospital setting be prepared to have the staff offer you pain medication several times, even if you ask them not to. Take a natural birth class with your spouse and learn pain management techniques. Most importantly, hire a trained and experienced doula. This was key to our successful and natural birth, the midwives could focus on the medical piece while the doula helped with the emotional and pain management of labor. In the end, if you have your mind set that you will go natural without a question of pain meds you will be successful. However if you say I am going to try to have a natural birth you will end up loosing yourself in the hard work of labor and use the crutch that you may be holding on to. Whatever you choose and whatever your experience, own it, love yourself, and know that a healthy and happy mom and baby are the goal. A natural birth was the most empowering and joyful experience I've shared with my husband and myself, I hope you are able to experience the incredible journey to motherhood this way!

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