Birth Stories

Working Out With a Personal Trainer Helped Joy During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I started having Braxton Hicks on the 23 June. They were somewhat painful but they didn't last long nor were they regular. On the 4 July, around 5 am l started having contractions. I knew it was contractions as they lasted longer and l was having them every 5 minutes or so. I decided to start timing them around 6 am and sure enough they came at around 3-7 minutes intervals and lasted for 2-3 minutes.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Being mentally strong. I prepared for labour by going to birthing classes. I felt that l was in total control during the first stage of labour. Even the midwives were impressed by my calm, controlled and focused breathing. However, once l was in transition something in me broke. I totally lost my focus as the pain was nothing l have ever felt before. I thought I was going to brake into a thousand pieces. From that point on l found it very difficult and almost regretted that l chose to go natural. But thanks to my husband, the midwives and God l managed to get back to focus and finally pushed our baby boy out within 1 hour.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    1. Red raspberry leaf tea
    2. class
    3. Working out with a personal trainer
    4. Chiropractor
    5. Strict diet (no junk, no caffeine)
    6. Plenty of rest and Sleep, a few weeks before due date
    7. Acupressure a few days before due date
    8. Last but not least PRAYING

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That it was so easy. That l was stronger than l thought l would be. I feel so blessed that l gad such an amazing birth experience.

  • It's not possible to describe with words how l felt holding and seeing my baby for the first time. When l pushed him out and l saw him between my legs the time stopped for a second. I just stared at him and felt love running through my veins. The midwife was like 'are you not going to pick him up'?
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Birthing technique and emerging myself in the water. During transition l used laughing gas, and it was amazing! It helped me get my focus back. Once it was time to push the laughing gas was put to the side again.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was planning a water birth but l couldn't stay in the tub once l was in transition, so they helped me out and onto the bed. I delivered lying on my side.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Surreal. Warm, wet and that amazing fragrance of a newborn. It's not possible to describe with words how l felt holding and seeing my baby for the first time. When l pushed him out and l saw him between my legs the time stopped for a second. I just stared at him and felt love running through my veins. The midwife was like "are you not going to pick him up"?

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Prepare yourself both mentally and physically. Labour is like running the marathon. You have to charge your body with energy (good nutrition and sleep), be physically fit (exercise) it is hard work pushing the baby out (red raspberry leaf tea tones your uterus, dates soften your cervix), take birthing classes (be mentally prepared, learn how to focus, learn how to not let fear and pain take over).

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