Birth Stories

Studying Lots Of Natural Childbirth Materials Helped Amanda During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    On the drive to my 39 week check up I THOUGHT I had 2 contractions but they seemed not so bad and I was driving, talking and laughing through it all. But when the midwife checked I was already 4cm and 80% effaced!! At that point, I remixed I was probably in early labor.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    1: having everyone tell me I couldn’t do it and I’d beg for an epidural ( this actually made me want to do it even more though )

    2: managing pain

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Read read read !! I studied lots of natural child birth material. Ina May’s books were very helpful. We also took a connected childbirth class. I also stayed very active up until the end. In addition, I drank red raspberry leaf tea in the 3rd trimester and ate 6 dates a day after week 35.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How labor progressed. I went into labor on the 27th and was sure that I was going to have the baby that evening! However eventually I ended up falling asleep and slept all night after contraction seemed pretty intense! The next day I didn’t have any contractions in the morning but then things started moving in the afternoon. I labored at home as long as possible and went into the hospital at 9:30 PM and it ended up having the baby two hours later!

  • Trust yourself. No your own mind and do your research! I’m having a supportive partner and birth team is so important!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Breathing through each contraction and remaining as limp
    And relaxed as possible. I remember Concentrating on relaxing my face all the way down to my toes. Imagining my body opening up just trying to relax into each contraction

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    After trying multiple positions and I end up kind of on my side/back with mom and nurse helping hold my legs up and husband continuously putting cold rags on my head

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I can’t even describe it. I was in shock she was here. I thought I would cry but mostly I was in awe of this perfect little baby. I was so proud of myself and my body. I felt invincible at that moment

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Trust yourself. No your own mind and do your research! I’m having a supportive partner and birth team is so important! I couldn’t have done it without a supportive husband, mother and of course the most amazing midwife. Trust yourself. Know your own mind and do your research! And having a supportive partner and birth team is so important! I couldn’t have done it without a supportive husband, mother and of course the most amazing midwife

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