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Birth Stories

Doing Daily Prenatal Stretches and Positioning Exercises Helped Meagan During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My first labor was very quick: 5.5 hours start to baby and I wasn't sure it was the real thing until I hit transition in the car! This time my husband was very anxious to get to the hospital a lot quicker. I woke up to some contractions 6 days before my due date, but they were mild and far apart so I fell back asleep. When my husband woke up to go to work, I told him he should probably stay. Although they were coming 2-4 minutes apart, the contractions were not intense and only lasted 40 seconds. After a couple hours (and calling my MIL to get my toddler) I all the sudden had one contraction that made me have to lean over the bed and breath though. My husband said, "I recognize that! We're leaving now!" After we arrived at the hospital and got into a room, I was at 8 cm. Things had been so mind I wasn't expecting to be so far! About 30 minutes later I hit transition and things got hard. Not much later after pushing on my knees, hanging over the back of the hospital bed, our little girl was born!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging thing about a second natural birth for me was mentally preparing myself for birth. Even though I was blessed with a fast and uncomplicated first birth, I was nervous to do it again. I remembered the pain of birth and recovery and did not look forward to going through it again! However, as soon as I started laboring, my mind and body kicked into gear and I had a wonderful and calm birthing experience.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Reading other people's positive natural birthing stories helped calm my fears and remind me that that I had already done it once just as countless other women had done. Doing daily prenatal stretches and positioning exercises also helped.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised at how mild labor easy until I hit about 9 or 10 cm. I was conversing and moving around until then. I was also surprised at the difference in recovery versus my first birth. Although my second was bigger, I had a much better recovery experience and no tearing. This time I birthed in a squatting position since that felt "right" and I think that made a big difference.

  • Try to relax during contractions and remember that you were made to do this and that you'll be holding your precious miracle soon!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Breathing though contractions and not tensing up was the biggest help. Having my husband's support- and hand to squeeze was also calming.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Squatting, leaning over the back of the hospital bed. It felt natural and I think it made a big difference in recovery. With my first, I was coached and pushed flat on my back. This time I listened to my body and did it my way. It resulted in no tearing this time, even with a much larger baby.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Instant relief and joy! I couldn't belief she had hair! The doc was surprised how short her cord was. I couldn't get her high enough to breastfeed until it was cut!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Read lots of positive natural birthing stories. Study up on the physical process of birth so that you know what your body is doing. Try to relax during contractions and remember that you were made to do this and that you'll be holding your precious miracle soon!

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