Birth Stories

Caitlin's Water Birth with Slight Shoulder Distocia

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    At 41 weeks, day 3, 1 am: My water broke in bed (the BIG GUSH kind- rare, but classic). We headed to the hospital immediately (I tested GBS positive, so I had to be on antibiotics in labor, and those had to start soon). The rush of hormones gave me the shakes. Regular contractions began within the hour.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Between labor and delivery, the delivery was harder. In the water, the nurse checked me and said I was 9cm, and not too long after that I was pushing to produce the baby. I felt his head coming down at one point, and I used my hand to hold the labia together, which helped to provide some counter pressure against his head and keep the tissue slightly more comfortable. I watched his head come out of me, which was terrifying and awesome. Though I had mentally trained myself to consider the sensations as "discomfort" and not pain, I felt this stage was excruciating, but I survived.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    For 12 or 13 hours, I laid in the hospital bed, telling myself some "mantras" which I had adapted from sources such as Hypnobirthing and Ina May's Guide to Childbirth:
    "Let your body do what it has to do. It knows what to do. You don't have to do anything but relax all your muscles and let it do it."
    "Surrender to your body."
    "You're going to meet your baby soon."
    "Take this one moment at a time."
    "God is taking care of you and the baby."
    There were times when someone would make a joke that I didn't think was very funny or appropriate at the time because of my own discomfort, but I forced myself to smile. It's amazing how even a forced smile on your face can lift your mood. I also smiled when I thought about meeting the baby. It was important to stay light-hearted.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    At one point I had a contraction (which started to feel like "rushes" of energy, which is what I called them), that forced me to bear down on my pelvic floor. It felt like I had to poop. I told them that. (Of course, I didn't care, nor should anyone else.)

  • Counter-pressure applied to my hips/butt during the pushing phase was invaluable.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Intentional relaxation and meditative breathing (inhaling relaxation, energy, and oxygen into my body; exhaling tension, discomfort, and stress from my body). Counter-pressure applied to my hips/butt during the pushing phase was invaluable.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    In the water: squatting to deliver his head; then on all fours to deliver the rest of his body (which was the ideal position for the slight shoulder distocia that had occurred).

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazing, and relieved. I got to pull him to the surface of the water. He looked a little fishy and swollen, and I was so excited to hear we had a boy (yes, I heard someone say that before I saw it myself! It must have been the way I was holding him). He smelled amazing and was so soft.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Stay positive. Practice relaxation and meditation. Don't worry about it if you poop. Tell those around you exactly what you need. (Though my husband told me later that I never said please, the nurses said my commands of, "fan on," "fan off," "don't touch the bed," "water," and "sshhhh," were very helpful for them to know exactly how they could help me.) Think of every "rush" (not contraction), as bringing you a step closer to meeting your baby. Think outside of the box about what will help you to dilate (envisioning your cervix getting huge, kissing your husband, and even if you throw up, that will help open you up down there, too).

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