When did you realize you were really in labor?
Around 12:30pm. We had been to an appointment with my OB, discussing an induction because I was 41 weeks + 1 day. Dan (my husband) and I really wanted to wait for my body to go into spontaneous labor, and went back home to think about our options. Right around the time we got home I started having contractions 5-6 minutes apart and I said, "You know what? I think I might be in labor..." Haha. I was so relieved and excited, I was crying with joy through the first few contractions.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
With both of my labors the most challenging thing has definitely been the very end - transition. There is a really intense moment of knowing there is no turning back, and your body is about to push out a baby, whether you like it or not. Up until that point I've actually enjoyed both of my labors.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
Pray. Haha. Seriously, praying and journaling in anticipation of our babies being born brought a lot of peace and joyful anticipation. Beyond that, taking Bradley Birth classes was a terrific decision. We took them before our first child was born, and they helped both Dan and I be confident, calm and prepared for natural labor. We were very familiar with the stages of labor, as well as techniques for relaxation and pain management. Dan is a rockstar labor coach and, especially with our second baby, he was so well equipped to be exactly what I needed. Being as educated as possible, but then knowing that at the end of the day, your baby's birth is in God's hands...that made me feel as prepared as you can feel before birthing another human, I think. Haha.
What surprised you about your birth?
How fast it was! My labor with my first was around 10 hours. Josiah's was a little under 5 hours, from the first contraction I noticed, to holding him in my arms. Dan and I were both shocked at how quickly things progressed once we got to the hospital. I was prepared for it to be hours, but we got there and I was at 8cm and Josiah was born about 2 1/2 hours later. We were blown away by that! Also, Josiah's size - he was 10lbs10oz, and our first was only 7lbs8oz. I didn't have Gestational Diabetes or anything, he was just randomly a very large baby. Needless to say, we were *very* surprised to take home a newborn baby in 3 month size clothing. Haha
There is a really intense moment of knowing there is no turning back, and your body is about to push out a baby, whether you like it or not.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
For me, movement. Walking was good until probably 8-9cm. Standing and swaying and leaning on Dan was great. My favorite thing, though, was rolling on the birthing ball. Through almost every contraction Dan would help me roll my hips in circles. It was perfect counter-pressure. I know some women who labor naturally like the side-lying, relaxed position. I have to move.
What position did you end up delivering in?
Semi-reclined, on the bed. Not my preference, but as they were concerned about his size, it was the best option.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
I was so relieved! Because of his size estimate on ultrasound, I had this nagging fear that he might get stuck and I would have an emergency c-section at the last minute. When he came out healthy and with no issues, I was just so thankful and relieved and praising God. And then right after that, we were truly amazed that the ultrasound estimate had been accurate and he WAS 10lbs10oz! Haha
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Pray and trust the Lord with your baby's birthday. Be educated - learn all you can about having a healthy pregnancy, how birth works, the labor process, and your options at the facility where you will give birth (or at home). Ask your provider lots of questions. Let your body lead. Ignore contractions until you can't ignore them. And embrace labor as hard but natural, beautiful work to bring your baby into the world.