When did you realize you were really in labor?
Although I was looking forward to laboring at home as long as possible I didn't get to start labor on my own! At a day short of 37 weeks I found myself INCREDIBLY sick with preeclampsia. I went into the ER and was immediately admitted and induced.
What was the most challenging thing about going natural?
Though I didn't get the all natural birth I had longed for I was able to go without any pain meds despite being on pitocin and magnesium sulfate. I had prepped myself for a natural birth and so the thought of an induced labor frightened me and I questioned my ability to go epidural free. My husband helped coach me through each breath and just focus on each contraction. He literally was the reason I was able to go pain med free.
What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?
I followed the advice of Genevieve to officially decide to go natural and write down all the reasons it was so important to me. My husband was a fabulous coach and was able to help me focus on those things when I started to doubt my ability.
What surprised you about your birth?
I was amazed at how my body adjusted to each level of intensity. I LOVED feeling the urge to push and actually being able to do so! I didn't have that with my son's birth. After it was all over and I had my little girl in my arms I kept marveling at the beauty and strength of my body and my new babe!!
Do not doubt, YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN DO IT. Study up all you can and visualize your natural birth. Surround yourself with help (husband, doula, mom etc) who know your plan and your reasons why, they will help be your strength when yours is exhausted.
What pain relief strategies worked best?
Each contraction lasted about four breaths for me. I held onto my husband in many different positions and he talked me through each breath. It also helped to keep a positive atmosphere in the room. I LOVED each wave because each one brought my baby closer to my arms.
What position did you end up delivering in?
I would have delivered in a squat but I had to slow down my very efficient and intense pushing so for the very last little bit I laid down.
How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?
They placed her on my chest immediately and I remember immediately thinking how soft she was!! The nurse who wanted to weigh her etc. had to stand there and wait for almost an hour because I wouldn't let my little girl go!
What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?
Do not doubt, YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN DO IT. Study up all you can and visualize your natural birth. Surround yourself with help (husband, doula, mom etc) who know your plan and your reasons why, they will help be your strength when yours is exhausted.