Birth Stories

Following The Exercises from Spinningbabies Helped Cassie During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I finally realized I was in labor after three contractions in bed. I needed Brent (my husband) to rub my back after the third one, and to continue for each following contraction. Sleeping was no longer an option, so we got up for a 2 am pork loin snack!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging things about going natural were the comments or "warnings" from other friends and health care professionals. The "what if" warnings were not helpful and at one point even had me second guessing the capabilities of my body. Comments were made about hospitals being safer, ultrasounds being needed, doctors being the better option. Thank God for the encouragement from our other friends, doula, and Midwife - who honored our choices and reminded us of why we were choosing a natural birth.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    The most helpful thing I did to prepare for childbirth was to follow the exercises from I believe this lead to the optimal positioning of our baby. This is essential for a quick and smoother labor, and our baby did splendidly getting into position early, engaging his head in the LOP position, and moving down through labour. He was in such a good position that I was able to breath him down to the point that his head was almost crowning before my body started pushing on it's own. The other most helpful thing I did to prepare for childbirth was working through hopes and fears with the guidance of the book "Birthing From Within."

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised that labor wasn't painful, and that it happened as quick as it did. Although to others it seemed like a while (19.5 hours total, but 8 hours of active labor), It felt like a few hours to me. The sensations were more of an intense ache in my hips - I was expecting something more ... painful. I could actually get through the contractions. I was actually able to breath my baby down. It also surprised me that my thoughts/feelings/intuition on what would unfold actually did. I had a feeling everything would be fine, and that I would also bleed more than expected. This all happened. So although I bled more than expected at the end, I was completely fine.

  • Involve a person who you trust deeply, at your innermost core. For me this was my husband. With him involved through decision making, he was able to encourage me throughout labor. Because I trusted him the most, I actually believed him when he said I could do it. Never settle for a caregiver that goes with the status quo when you feel there is a better way.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The pain relief strategies that worked best were: leaning on my husband (dancing, swaying), hip pressure, pressure on my sacrum, showering, squatting in the birth pool, and focused breathing.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was in a supported squatting position. My husband (Brent) was sitting on our fouton couch and my arms were on his thighs. I could move my pelvis forward or backward during pushes this way. It was also great to have him there so I could rest my head back on him.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It felt... Amazing to hold my baby for the first time. With no ultrasounds it was amazing to finally see our baby and to know that he was a fully formed human being and not a starfish or unicorn! It was also very emotional, I cried a lot when I first reached out my arms to hold him after he came out. I was ready for him, so it was overwhelmingly natural and normal with a sprinkle of miracle and mystery.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Involve a person who you trust deeply, at your innermost core. For me this was my husband. With him involved through decision making, he was able to encourage me throughout labor. Because I trusted him the most, I actually believed him when he said I could do it. Never settle for a caregiver that goes with the status quo when you feel there is a better way. In seemingly hopeless situations, (lack of standardized pre-natal or Midwifery care in our situation), there is always a path that can satisfy your deepest desires. We prayed for understanding in ours, and God transformed our care into something I had always dreamed of but wouldn't have been able to attain had we not encountered the challenge of moving to a province without standardized Midwifery care. In the end, we had the help of a Midwife who became our friend, and we were able to have "appointments" in the comfort of our own home and not only not feel judged for declining certain tests, but feel confident that we were doing a good thing because of the support from our Midwife. We truly experienced a natural childbirth and pregnancy.

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(without leaving your couch)

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