Birth Stories

Having a Midwife and a Doula Helped Lexie During Her Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had a restless sleep and woke up at 4am with cramps that didn't seem to be going away. By 6 am they had intensified to the point where I knew it was labour.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Not knowing when the pain would end. My labour was only 7 hours but I pushed for 3 of them and it was exhausting. I had this feeling like I was doing it wrong because I pushed for so long and I never really felt that primal urge to push that everyone talks about — I had to really work at it. That being said, I feel like I needed to feel the pain to be able to feel what I was doing and bring her down, so there was never a point where I wanted an epidural or medication.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Switching to midwifery care and having a doula. They made me feel so comfortable and calm through the whole process. Also, watching natural birth videos and reading stories, and exercising through my pregnancy (especially squats) so I felt physically strong and prepared for the endurance of labour.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How quick it was. I was fully dilated as soon as I got to the birth center, which was a nice surprise because I assumed I was in early labour and the pain was so intense I was worried about what was to come. When our midwife told me how far along I was and that I could get in the tub I was able to relax. While I wouldn't call it "easy," I was also surprised at how manageable the pain was. I felt prepared, capable and strong, and I had an amazing support team, so I never panicked or felt like I couldn't do it.

  • Trust your body. Find peace in the universality of birth. Don't doubt for one second that you are capable of doing it. Stay calm and surround yourself with people you're comfortable with and who are confident in your abilities.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Getting in the tub didn't take the edge off the pain at all for me, but it did relax me a lot and help me let go and go into myself. Focusing on one contraction at a time helped me get through labour, and then during the pushing phase, just focusing on the fact that I was about to meet my baby helped me relax and do what I needed to do.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Reclined but propped up with pillows.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Holding Lilah for the first time was surreal. I was kind of in shock from the birth and how everything had happened so quickly. I was out of it for awhile and I still felt the pain of delivering her lingering, but it was amazing to know that after the last nine months, after all of the dreams and emotions and thinking about her, she was finally here. Seeing her with her daddy made me feel so in love and immediately transformed our connection into something deeper than I've ever known. Suddenly the three of us were bonded and it was for life, and I was so happy.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Trust your body. Find peace in the universality of birth. Don't doubt for one second that you are capable of doing it. Stay calm and surround yourself with people you're comfortable with and who are confident in your abilities. Be in the moment, connect with your body and your baby and believe that you can get through this.

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