Birth Stories

Praying and Believing In A Good Birth Experience Helped Shalyn During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My back pain began around 9 pm and then distinct contractions started. My midwife said they may go away, so we should go for a walk and try to sleep. As uncomfortable as they were, I did not want them to go away...I was very ready to meet my baby as we were at 42 weeks and it was the last day before I would have to go to the hospital. After a walk around the neighborhood they really picked up in intensity and became much closer together. At this point I knew I would be meeting my baby very soon.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The hardest part about going natural was experiencing physical pain on a level I didn't know existed. While this is true for me, I still wouldn't trade my birth experience for anything. The anticipation of meeting my baby was far greater than the pain I felt. For months I prayed and believed in a good birth experience, and I was ready to accept whatever God gave me knowing that He would carry me through it. A painful birth is a hard one, but a good one nonetheless.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    For the last half of my pregnancy I saw a chiropractor once or twice a week, and although my bank account would say otherwise, this was extremely helpful. Sleeping was very difficult for me and I woke up feeling like a twisted knot most mornings. I also worked a full-time job on my feet, so getting aligned was helpful for my body as a whole as well as encouraging the baby into a good position.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    We did not know the gender of the baby during my pregnancy, so finding out we had a boy was the biggest surprise at the birth. After he was born I just held him in my arms and stared at him with such awe. I'm not usually one for surprises, but this was one I'm glad I waited for.

  • Regardless of what our own birth looked like we should only be encouraging and uplifting to other women. My advice to mamas wanting to go the natural route would be to not "throw your pearls to pigs" and surround yourself with people who are supportive of you no matter what and encourage you in doing what is best for your family.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The birthing tub was the best pain relief for me. The warm water was so relaxing, and hanging on the edge of the pool gave my husband a break from holding me up. (A break that he fully enjoyed while he took a nap on the couch.) Massages from my doula were also a huge help in easing the pain and calming me down.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I thought I would be delivering the baby in the birthing tub, but as I was pushing my water broke and showed a lot of meconium. So I moved to the bed and continued pushing on my hands and knees. This was the most comfortable position for me, and I also had the first view of him to see that he was a boy.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I had to wait a few minutes after he was born to hold him because he needed to have the meconium suctioned out and be resuscitated. I could not see any of this happening as I was facing the other way (still on my hands and knees). After he started to breathe and pink up my midwife handed him to me through my legs and I held him up to my chest. He was so small and had the sweetest cry. While I had experienced a new level of pain up to this moment, I was now experiencing a new level of euphoria. Holding him was my "drug" while pushing out the placenta and getting stitched up from a few tears.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    I loved talking about pregnancy and birth with other women, but I tried to keep my opinions and personal plans to my inner circle of family and close friends. People are quick to tell you what you should or shouldn't do based on their own experiences, and I heard from too many people that I will want the drugs and that I shouldn't try to go natural. What people forget is that we are all different and have unique birth experiences. Regardless of what our own birth looked like we should only be encouraging and uplifting to other women. My advice to mamas wanting to go the natural route would be to not "throw your pearls to pigs" and surround yourself with people who are supportive of you no matter what and encourage you in doing what is best for your family.

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