Birth Stories

Listening To Music To Get Comfortable Helped Chelsea During Her Second Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I woke up multiple times throughout the night during a contraction, they progressively got stronger throughout the night, it wasn't until around 4 am that they were too strong and close together to go back to sleep so I woke my husband up and told him I think today is the day babe, I laid in bed for about another hour really paying attention to the closeness and intensity, it was then I realized it was definitely going to be today, I got up and got a shower and got ready, our other children woke up and asked why I was up so early and I replied baby is on his way! We called auntie to take the kids to school and to watch our youngest, I called my doctor to ask if I should head in and she said yes, contractions were about 5 mins apart and lasting about 40 seconds, we headed out to get something to eat knowing once at the hospital they wouldn't let me have much, we got Santiago's breakfast burritos and went to the grocery store, the contractions were sting enough to stop me from walking during, but not really that painful, at least not compared to all of my other labors, this is my 4th and 2nd natural delivery, after getting a few things front the grocery store we headed to the hospital to check in, we arrived and were checked in and soon headed to triage to see if I would be admitted, 30 mins later after discovering I was already 8-9 cm dilated and paper thin she said I would definitely be having baby and they got me to my room, I turned on some music and got comfy, I paced the room for about 30 mins before doc came back and asked to put a mobile minutes in my tummy to minutes baby since I wouldn't be laying in bed with a minutes on me, I laid down while they applied it all the while contractions were around 4 to 5 mins apart and still totally handle able, I would just stop and breath through them, although they did hurt worse if I was laying down so I would ask to get up or roll onto my side, the nurse asked if doc could check me and we asked if she could break my water , we were at the hospital a total of about an hour and a half by this point, doctor came in and broke my water and the next contraction after that I felt the urge to push, I screamed I'm pushing and they all scrambled to get prepared for baby to arrive, I pushed 2 more times and baby came flying out and was put onto my chest, the only three contractions that were immensely painful were the three I was pushing baby out through, it all happened so fast, the most painful part was them pushing on my tummy after to get the placenta out, I had no tearing or bad bleeding and kept baby on me for an hour before they weighed and checked him out.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    My pregnancy was scary due to an early bleed with a subcorianic hemorrhage at 10 weeks, I was placed on bed and pelvic rest and lift restrictions, the bleeding stopped at 19 weeks but I took it easy the remainder of the pregnancy, I was scared of bleeding a lot during birth.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I'm not really sure I was ever prepared, while this being my 4th baby and delivery I was the most unprepared and scared for this one.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How incredibly easy and fast it was, I labored at home and was not pressured and stress free, so I feel it had a play in being so dilated by the time I arrived at the hospital, I was completely surprised and so excited when being checked and told I was already 8-9 cm dilated, I did all the hard part at home, which was not hard not painful at all.

  • To just trust your body and your own strength, we were made for having babies and made to tolerate the pain that comes with. It is the most invigorating and empowering thing you can do.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I never was overwhelmed with pain until I was pushing baby out, and what got me through those 3 contractions was knowing how close I was to meeting my son.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered on my right side mostly sitting up.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was a relief, 9 months of worrying I would lose him, or myself was over and I was holding the most beautiful thing in the world.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    To just trust your body and your own strength, we were made for having babies and made to tolerate the pain that comes with. It is the most invigorating and empowering thing you can do.

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