Birth Stories

Lori Fought For the Natural Birth She Wanted

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I woke up at 3:45 A.M. and went to use the restroom. On my way there my water broke all over the floor. I was in shock at first and it took me a little bit to realize that this wasn't a dream and that my baby was on his way.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    During my pushing phase of labor, which was a little over an hour, I turned to my midwife and told her I needed a five minute break. I really thought that was an option at the time. I think that was the hardest part. I had already been going for 18 hours and I just needed a 5 minute break to regain my momentum. It all worked out though and about 15 minutes after I asked for a break my little boy came into the world. Although it was hard the very first thing that came out of my mouth after my son was born was "that was amazing." It really is a great privilege to have a baby and be a mother. I truly delivered my baby, I did all the work, I felt all the hurt, I decided when to push and when to rest, and I was fully there when I became a mom.

  • Jerrod
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    We took a Lamaze class and I read/watched everything I could get my hands on while I was pregnant. I watched other women give birth and I researched exactly what was going to happen so I was prepared. I also had an amazing midwife who was so helpful and answered all my questions. She was a very big part of why my labor was so successful as well as my amazing, supportive husband. He also researched with me and practiced labor positions and pain relieving techniques before the big day.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    The beauty of everything. I am still so amazed that MY body did all of that. I really was not "at home" with being pregnant. I was very sick the whole time and thought that labor would be horrible but I was determined to do it naturally because I new it was the birth that I wanted. Birthing has always been beautiful to me. I have always been amazed with pregnancy and birth since I can remember. There is just something so miraculous about it. The idea that I went through 19 hours of pain and working and pushing is amazing but the thing that I thought was most amazing, most beautiful, was that my body could do all of this, naturally, and without any assistance. This proved that I am truly, fearfully and wonderfully made and I feel that my natural birth was, as silly as it may sound, a glimpse of heaven. You do your work here on earth and then you have a euphoric, blissful state that all pain goes away and you are so at peace. It was really breathtakingly beautiful and I look forward to feeling that euphoria again.

  • Although it was hard the very first thing that came out of my mouth after my son was born was "that was amazing." It really is a great privilege to have a baby and be a mother. I truly delivered my baby, I did all the work, I felt all the hurt, I decided when to push and when to rest, and I was fully there when I became a mom.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I had back labor through the entire labor journey. My husband knew pain relief strategies because we had practiced before hand. He used counter pressure as well as using a sock with three tennis balls in it. This was very helpful. I couldn't sit down my whole labor, which was 19 hours, because of the back pain so I spent time in the tub, on all fours, and bent over the bed on pillows. I just listened to my body and tried to remain calm and relaxed so my body could do what it was meant to do.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was on a birthing stool. The only thing I knew going into labor was that I didn't want to be on my back to deliver because, I had heard and researched, that it makes it harder. I was open to any position but when it came time to push I had a very strong urge to squat. I was doing that beside the bed and my midwife suggested the birthing stool. It worked wonderfully for me.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    When I first held my son for the first time I felt such a sense of overwhelming peace and joy like I had never felt. My whole spirit was just joyful. There was such deep love instantly. I think that is one of the biggest reasons I would deliver naturally again is because you feel the hard work and pain and you really work for your baby. It creates this "mama" instinct that you would really do anything for them. You would do all of the labor and delivery again because of that love.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    When I would tell other people that I was going to have a natural birth they would say things like "you will be begging for the drugs", "your crazy", or "that's because you've never had a baby". After a while I started to feel crazy. Well maybe I am being naïve, maybe I do need to do an epidural. Then I started researching and talking with other mamas who had a natural birth. They encouraged me and told me that you have to fight for the birth that you want. If you want a natural birth it really has to be in your mind that you are GOING to. You can totally do and it is such a beautiful journey, absolutely not pain free, but really amazing and powerful. Go MAMAS!

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