Birth Stories

Nikki Prayed for Peace and Strength During Her Midwife-Assisted Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I’m 11 days late. Ugh…

    I’m fast asleep in bed Saturday night and my water broke at 12:50am. I tell Matt and we both knew to rest. I laid back down in bed with a towel between my legs and tried to get some sleep. I never went back to sleep because contractions started right away. They felt like period cramps mixed with gas pain. They were every 3-4 minutes and I was tracking them on my phone.
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    2 hours of contractions passed and I woke Matt back up and told him I thought it was time. I was keeping the 3-1-2 rule in mind. We had been taught not to go to the hospital too early because if you weren’t dilated enough they would send you back home. I definitely did not want that to happen. Matt was surprised I thought I was ready to go. We were expecting an all-day event. He packed the car, laid the seats down and made me a pallet. Sitting down didn’t sound appealing. It was 3:30am and we were off to Duke Regional.

    I was very into it being dark. I liked my eyes being closed, the lights off or dim, and even my hair in my face to block any light out. When a contraction would come I would make a low quiet moan and focus on breathing and praying. When I learned about moaning or making noise during contractions I thought it was silly and embarrassing to watch. Come to find out it was really helpful and distracting in the best way ever.

    Throughout contractions I was praying for key words that changed throughout my labor. In the beginning it was for Peace in between contractions. I wanted to be peaceful and stay calm and not be anxious or get nervous. This process was happening and I wanted to consciously choose for it to be as calm of an experience as possible. During the actual contractions I prayed for Strength. Simple strength from God to make it through and get this baby out.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The very end was challenging because our baby was posterior. The midwife said that adds more discomfort.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    My husband and I took a Bradley Method birthing class and that is what got us through. The knowledge was so powerful.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was surprised about how I had no concept of time or hunger...I was in such a zone. So focused.

  • I was surprised about how I had no concept of time or hunger...I was in such a zone. So focused.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Moaning through contractions was very helpful. Praying was also key for me.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered in an elevated hospital bed. Sort of on my side with a nurse holding one leg, my torso turned and face buried in a pillow I brought from home. My hands were grasping the top of my husbands shorts.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It felt like such a relief! I was so happy and surprised she was out! Thank God!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Take a really great natural birth class or a Bradley Method birth class. Knowledge is so empowering. You've got to get your mind right. Your body can do it.

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