Birth Stories

Practiced Techniques For Managing Labor Pains And Birth Affirmations Helped Ilina During Her Natural Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    It was 4 days before my due date, mild contractions started around breakfast time, but then they tapered off and completely stopped by lunch. After dinner they picked up again and continued progressing all night, it was around 4 am that I finally got out of bed to time them and knew that I was going to meet my baby soon.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    For me the most challenging phase was transition, we were still at home at that time as we wanted to stay home for as long as possible, although at the time I did not realize that it was transition. Managing pain became harder and I needed the support of my husband and doula to get through each contraction. In my mind I was hoping for an epidural and that's when the positive affirmations from my husband and doula helped me get through the pain.

  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    After my first birth for which I had an epidural, I wanted an unmedicated natural birth this time. I researched and practiced a lot of different coping techniques for managing labor pains. I listened to a lot of positive affirmations to prepare my mind for a natural birth. I also read almost all of the birth stories here on mama natural to prepare a positive mindset to help during labor.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    This birth progressed super fast once my water broke, the baby was born in 3 pushes. Since I did not have an epidural this time, I was able to control the timing and intensity while pushing. The recovery post birth was surprisingly quick and I was walking within a couple of hours of giving birth.

  • You can totally do this !!! Our bodies are made to create and birth babies without medical interventions. The key is to prepare by gaining knowledge, practicing alternative pain management techniques and most importantly completely believing in ourselves and our body's ability to bring baby earth-side safely.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I did not wanted pain medication for this birth so I practiced alternative pain management techniques.
    Positive affirmations helped me a lot during the active phase of labor, I listened to birth affirmations continuously to keep me in a positive mindset and was very helpful in managing the contractions.
    During transition, my husband and doula provided counter pressure and applied heating pad on my lower back to counteract the pain. In between contractions, I would lie on all fours in child's pose and sway my hips side to side, this helped bring baby down.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered the baby lying on my back, I was able to hold my own legs while my husband and OB provided leverage by holding my feet.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    This feeling is like no other in the world, it is incredible to finally meet the little person who I had felt inside me for many months.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You can totally do this !!!
    Our bodies are made to create and birth babies without medical interventions. The key is to prepare by gaining knowledge, practicing alternative pain management techniques and most importantly completely believing in ourselves and our body's ability to bring baby earth-side safely.

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