Birth Stories

Praying And Repeating To Herself That She Got This Helped Heather Achieve VBAC Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Well, I had to be induced at 37 1/2 weeks. This was my third pregnancy, I previously had an emergency c-section hours after labor, a vaginal birth with an epidural and pitocin, and this one was induced with Pitocin.

    I developed gestional diabetes this pregnancy, and had high blood pressure. So my doctor, husband and I decided it was time for our little girl to come out.

    We went in Nov. 24, 2017, 7 AM. Started Pitocin, along with the balloon. That fell out around 3, measured around 4-5 for awhile. Around 3:30 my doctor broke my water. Then things really started happening, around 9:20 PM, I started this feeling that I had to start pushing. I was grunting in the rocking chair next to the hospital bed. I don’t remember being whisked into bed by a nurse and my husband, I don’t remember my legs being lifted into the stirrups. Everything was happening so fast! I didn’t even have time for an epirdural. When the anesthesiologist finally came in, he said I had gone too far and left! (We laugh about that now.)

    I pushed for what felt like 3 minutes, and my baby girl came out SO fast! She just slide right out. The doctor barely had enough time to get to me, she just made it in time to catch her!

    It would have been a very successful delivery, had my placenta not gotten stuck along the wall. It didn’t come out by itself, so the doctor reached in and grabbed it piece by piece. (I was given a shot through my IV to numb the pain.) She was very confident that she got it all out, and she did this to avoid a D&C.

    I know it sounds horrible and scary, but I would rather have done that, then another c-section. I was determined not to have another c-section.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The pain. Not gonna lie, it sucked. I felt everything. But you know what? I would do it again in a heartbeat! Knowing that I could get up to walk around to help labor along, and to go relieve myself after birth really helped my healing. Although, I didn’t tear at all this time, I was able to relieve myself quicker.

    It was just a ‘I’m on top of the world feeling’! Like, ‘Hey! I did this! I did this!! I’m a rockstar!’

    I also found it difficult because I was terrified of having a c-section. My oldest daughter’s delivery did not go as planned, and I was probably traumatized by it. I did not want a repeat. I would do anything to avoid it. And I did!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Praying. Family support. We had my mother-in-law watching our two daughters at our home (it was very comforting knowing that they were safe at home).

    My husband and my mom were at the hospital with me. My mom was finally able to see one of her granddaughters being born. Having them there to help distract me, massage my back, to
    just be there to encourage me, meant so much to me. To help me push through the contractions and to finally reach the end goal.

    I also had to remind myself that this pain is just temporary. My body was made to do this. My body knows what she is doing. My body and my baby girl know what we are doing together. My baby is all right, I am all right. Just constantly reciting that in my head when contractions got more intense helped immensely.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Although it is painful, and one of the most hardest things I’ll ever have to go through. The payout is HUGE. Holding my baby on my chest right away, kissing her, and hearing her cry, there is just no better feeling. I finally get to meet her, and hold that beautiful gift. It’s amazing.

  • Things may not always go as planned. But I found it helps to say a prayer and have faith. You’re body knows what it is doing. Just remember that it is temporary pain, and you will be able to hold your little one at the end! You CAN do it!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Just talking to myself. Repeating to myself that I got this, we know what we’re doing. We’re in good hands. Praying also helped relieve my worries.

    Walking around, rocking on a rocking chair, swaying, lunging... movement is key! I found myself rarely in the hospital bed, that was the last resort for me!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Like I said earlier, I don’t remember getting back into bed, and having my legs up. But that’s the position I ended up in. On my back.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    AMAZING. I couldn’t stop crying happy tears, my husband and I were just speechless that she was finally here! I felt on top of the world. Hearing her cry, and then watching her listen to my voice was one of the sweetest things. I was happy that I could breastfeed right away. If it wasn’t for the retained placenta, I think it would have been a perfect delivery. But I am grateful that we were both here, and healthy.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Things may not always go as planned. But I found it helps to say a prayer and have faith. You’re body knows what it is doing. Just remember that it is temporary pain, and you will be able to hold your little one at the end! You CAN do it!

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