Birth Stories

Choosing A Midwife Who She Trusted Helped Jillian Achieve Her Second Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When I could no longer hide my discomfort from my three year old. We had talked about how Mama’s body would have to work very hard to get the baby out and that it would hurt, but Mama bodies are strong and I would be okay. I had been having contractions all day, but they were irregular and would taper off after an hour or so. Once I reached the point where I wanted to be away from my daughter while having a contraction, I knew it was the real thing.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I had a home birth with my first daughter and when my contractions were really intensifying I suddenly remembered what it all felt like. I thought “oh, that’s right... uh oh, I don’t want to do this again!” In retrospect I probably felt that way because things moved much faster this time. By the time I had that thought I was probably close to transition, but in my head I had another 10+ hours ahead of me. As each contraction came on I would feel overwhelmed wishing I weren’t in that moment, but at the end I felt so much pride knowing what my body can do and how strong I am!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Choosing a midwife who I trusted completely and who I felt 100% comfortable with. Also, limiting the people who would be at the birth. With both my home births it was just my husband, midwife and assistant midwife who were there, and that helped keep the atmosphere calm and focused. I think having a very select few people there, each one being someone I had a lot of trust in really helped me progress through labor without complications or stalling.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    The speed! With my first I was in active labor for 17 hours. This time it was 4 hours between when contractions became regular and when the baby was born. My water didn’t break until the very end, and when it finally did, her head was born one minute later and the rest of her body one minute after that.

  • Incredible! I felt alert and aware of the moment and in a bit of disbelief that I was holding my baby already. I was also relieved to be done with labor!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Counter pressure on my hips and lower back. My husband was there for each contraction, running from another room when he heard me call out so he could press on my hips. Another strategy I used was concentrating on keeping my jaw and hands loose during contractions. I had a birth educator during my first pregnancy day “loose jaw, loose hands, loose vagina” and I felt strongly that it was what got me through my first labor without major complications.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I spent almost all of labor on my knees leaning on the side of the bed. When I felt the urge to push I climbed up onto the bed and laid on my back/side with one of the midwives holding up my leg. That was the position I was in when my daughter was born.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Incredible! I felt alert and aware of the moment and in a bit of disbelief that I was holding my baby already. I was also relieved to be done with labor!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do your research and know your reasons for going natural, then choose a birth team who will fully support you in that choice and don’t look back! For me, choosing to birth at home was important because I knew I would feel the most comfortable and uninhibited in my own environment, and I knew the role those feelings play in how labor progresses. I also fully trusted my midwife’s judgement and knew everything was under control with her there.
    Don’t be concerned with other people’s opinions about where and how you should birth. Know what’s important to you, know your reasons and set yourself up for success by choosing a birth team that will support your choice. Finally, don’t resist! Your body knows what to do and it will feel better to go along for the ride your body is taking you on than to resist.

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