Birth Stories

Reading a Bunch of Books About Natural Childbirth Helped Megan During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I was in early labor for 4 nights and 3 days. I kept thinking that "this was it" every time my contractions seemed to strengthen, only to be disappointed. After awhile I completely gave up on timing my contractions, even periodically. By the 4th night I was so tired that I slept in awkward positions in the living room in 5 minute stints, only waking up to breathe through the contractions. Finally, at 4:15am my water broke, and I knew it was the real deal. Unknown to me, just before that time my husband woke up and had started to time my contractions. He could tell from my breathing that they were getting more serious. Again, I was so tired and out of it by then I had no idea!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    How long it took! I was in early labor for 4 nights and 3 days, which set me up to be exhausted already when I went into active labor. My active labor took approximately 22 hours with transition lasting around 5 hours. The strength/pain level of my contractions went up exponentially compared with my dilation. In other words, I kept feeling increasing levels of pain without any dilation to show for it. It was incredibly discouraging and frustrating!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Read, read, read! I read a bunch of books about natural childbirth written by some pretty awesome midwives (many by Ina May Gaskin). It helped me mentally prepare for childbirth with knowing what to expect. More than anything, the books gave me the inner strength I needed...that this was normal and natural and to just trust my body. Also, the education I received from the books gave me the confidence to make my own decisions regarding birth rather than relying solely on the advice of medical professionals. My spouse also read the book "The Birth Partner." I truly believe it's what best helped give me a solid support system during my long labor.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    So many things surprised me about my birth! First of all, that it was so long. Otherwise, that it wasn't really anything like what other people described. It was a great deal more traumatic than I expected, which had to do with the length, pain, and exhaustion I experienced. Everyone told me they liked when they got to push because they could finally "do" something. To me the pushing part felt rushed--which made it feel panicky to me. It was uncomfortable, and I wasn't confident in it. When the baby was finally born, I was so in shock I didn't feel that immediate rush that everyone talks about when they hand you your baby.

    Now looking back, however, I have a different perspective of my labor and birth. Though I didn't feel it in the moment, I feel accomplished for having made it through 22 hours of labor and birthing my 9lb. 15oz. baby naturally the way I intended. I also feel incredibly grateful to my midwife and care team for allowing me to proceed, even though my labor didn't follow any averages or norms. I am grateful that the baby and I were healthy and did well throughout labor and birth. I realize now that with many other care providers I would have ended up with a very different birth story.

  • Educate yourself! Don't rely solely on information coming from the current medical model of childbirth. Seek out alternative resources, such as books written by midwives or other natural birthing sources. Find like-minded people that can share their experiences with you and help guide you through your own experience. Create your ideal birth plan, but don't beat yourself up if you make compromises or if everything doesn't go according to plan!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Breathing--obviously. During transition my spouse and I counted down from 10 a few times per contraction, which gave me something to focus on. Changing positions helped a lot, too--birth ball, standing, toilet, kneeling on the bed, laying on my side, etc. During transition my midwife put me in a hot bath, which was a lifesaver. Also, the double hip squeeze was incredibly helpful.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I gave birth sitting inclined. I originally anticipated to squat, which I did for the first couple contractions/pushes. However, after 22 hours of labor I was too exhausted to maintain that position.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I was in shock after giving birth. I'm not sure how else to describe it! I was in awe of this little (or big...9lbs 15oz) creature they put on me that I somehow made!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Educate yourself! Don't rely solely on information coming from the current medical model of childbirth. Seek out alternative resources, such as books written by midwives or other natural birthing sources. Find like-minded people that can share their experiences with you and help guide you through your own experience. Create your ideal birth plan, but don't beat yourself up if you make compromises or if everything doesn't go according to plan!

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