Birth Stories

Staying Active and Keeping Her Muscles Stretched Helped Julia During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Around 7 pm I started having contractions; but since I'd already had three nights with a few hours of mild contractions that effectually puttered out, I tried not to get too excited. By 11 pm they were every 15 minutes and getting stronger, so I was pretty sure it was finally time.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I've given birth naturally at home three times now, and each time while I'm in transition, there's been a moment of doubting myself and thinking "dear goodness this is really difficult, why am I putting myself through this without the option of pain relief?!" It's so important to really believe in why you're doing a natural birth so in the hardest moment you can remind yourself of all the benefits for you and your baby.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Keep moving! Even when all you want to do is stay on the couch all day; staying active and keeping your muscles stretched and limber is so helpful during labor.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Definitely how fast it went compared to my first two births. With those, I had 24 hours of early labor, then 9 hours of active labor. This time I had contractions for about 7 hours before having my husband call the midwife at 3:30 am, my water broke 40 minutes later (which was a first for me, it had never broken on its own before!), and an hour later our baby was born.

  • Do your research, learn everything you can about the birth process and your body. The more you know to expect, the less scared you'll be, and feeling that you're in charge and your body is made to do this is empowering and helps you mentally stay on top of things. Round up a good support team and take care of your body during pregnancy. You can do it!
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    I make it my goal to relax every muscle, especially in my shoulders and jaw, during contractions, and let out a low moan that gets deeper as each surge reaches its peak. Visualizing being in the back of a sandy cave on a beach that is filling with wave after wave of water, then quickly empties when the contractions pass helps take the end off the intensity.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I was standing by the Christmas tree, leaning against my husband and getting the urge to stomp and paw at the floor when my midwife's assistant arrived. Then my lower back started really hurting and she put pressure on it for about two contractions, then I started to push just a little and pictured moving the baby down and it helped so much. My midwife got there for the next contraction, I pushed just a little more and felt the baby crowning. Jen, the assistant was kneeling next to me and said " oh wow, baby is right there. Come down into a squat " So still hanging onto my husband, I squatted, pushed once more and baby slipped right out. She was literally born under the Christmas tree.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    So much relief! My favorite part of natural birth is feeling the baby wiggle out and then knowing my job is done and I can lay back and rest! We chose to not find out the baby's gender and I had quite a bit of bleeding so it took a minute after delivery before we knew if we had a boy or a girl! But then with the baby snuggled on my chest, my husband lifted the blanket to check and said, "I think it's a girl!" It's a seriously awesome hormone rush laying back, with hardly any pain, spouse at your side, holding a tiny alert baby and nursing within minutes of birth.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do your research, learn everything you can about the birth process and your body. The more you know to expect, the less scared you'll be, and feeling that you're in charge and your body is made to do this is empowering and helps you mentally stay on top of things. Round up a good support team and take care of your body during pregnancy. You can do it!

Learn to have an amazing birth

(without leaving your couch)

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