Birth Stories

Surrounding Herself with a Team They Trusted and Loved Helped Valentine During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    At 41 and 5 days I finally let go of a few things that I think mentally were holding me and baby girl back! For starters I got caught up on work * we run our own business, and most importantly, I finally told my hospital midwife ( whom I loved, but was no longer catching) that we had hired a Home birth midwife. She was thrilled for us, and I think that opened the flood gates. As soon as i got off the phone... I started feeling some rumbles. Very soon after that, I couldn't leave the toilet as everything seemed to be pouring out of me.. ( i had to send my husband at midnight to get more toilet paper! ) By the time he got back, ( about an hour from it starting) I was really feeling it ! Like WOAH. Contractions started at 3 min apart! That was a first for me!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I saw my homebirth midwife, and the local gyno center my whole pregnancy, but I never told the center that we were planning a homebirth. They then label you a "homebirther" and dont allow you to see midwifes, only doctors, and you are fear mongered. I didn't see why they needed to know. But It was important to me to tell the midwifes there that I love, Which I mentioned before, I think that secret did hold me back a little.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Surround ourselves with a team that we trusted and loved.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    It came on with the quickness. The day before, I had the only cervical check I had the whole pregnancy, which I only allowed because as we approached 42 weeks, I knew we were pushing towards opting out of homebirth and into induction.... so i wanted to know what was going on for the purpose of rating myself on the bishop scale, according to the Mama Natural Birth Course! It didn't look good ! haha I was POSTERIOR! She could hardly even reach. This is abnormal for me, and I knew the baby wasn't staying engaged. So when the next night, contractions started and I was holding my baby 3 hrs later - phew - I was surprised! I always thought fast births sounded easier.... but it was so much more intense!

  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    COUNTER PRESSURE. That was all I wanted. and a lot of it. I had bruises the next day!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Amazing... and RELIEF. The labor had been intense and definately painful!

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    Zophia Bell Reilly was the plan. After my cousin, but with a spelling change ( f to ph) to honor my husbands great grand mothers on his fathers side. Bell is my husbands great grandmother on his mothers side. We did add a little something when the time came though - a little back story: i HATE being on my knees. I have bad knees, and it hurts to be on them for long periods of time, even short periods! With my second I was losing it when it was time to push, She was big and I was in pain and I didnt know were to go.... or how I wanted to push. Ended up on my back out of just sheer failure to decide anything else, even with a doula desperately trying to help. So this time my husband and I tried and thought about positions I might like when the time came. I would sit or stand in them for hours at a time watching a movie... trying to test out the position haha. But this baby had her own agenda... and after an hour of standing through contractions, I feel to my knees... and never was able to do anything else. She was born with me on my knees, leaning on our coffee table, didnt even make it to the tube I so longed for! So, being that we are huge music fans, her official name is Zophia Layla Bell Reilly - Layla cause well " she got me on knees" for real! haha!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do your research, hire a team that supports you - the whole team, with so many offices now you see the whole office, which is what happened to our office, and is why we switched to the home birth plan. You have to know that any midwife or doctor that could me attending your delivery SUPPORTS you and respects you. It is hard to find! And of course - every woman, regardless of her birthing goals, deserves a DOULA!

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