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Birth Stories

Taking Fear Out Of The Equation And Telling Herself The She Was Made To Labor Helped Laura During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    After my water broke my contractions got very intense.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    At 24 weeks I had a higher BP reading which put me into "gestational hypertension" category. The doctors told me I would need to come in once a week to have my BP monitored until the end of my pregnancy. I ended up with a case of Doctor anxiety (white coat syndrome). So my BP numbers at home were all in normal range but were higher at doctors office. This put me in the high risk category even though I was otherwise healthy.

    At 38 weeks the doctors told me I was being induced due to a chord compression showing up on a non stress test. This was heart breaking to me as I was hoping for a non medicated vaginal birth without epidural. I was terrified of being induced and felt my entire pregnancy was being over monitored.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I met with a doula at 36 weeks. She became my listening ear. She helped me work through my pregnancy challenges and helped me change my mindset. She also became my advocate and provided me with the confidence I needed to go into a labor that was induced against my wishes.

    I took FEAR out of the equation and told myself I was made to labor. I watched Ina May Gaskin's TED talk on how fear and anxiety can stall childbirth and decided that no matter what I would do everything I could to relax during my labor and really try to avoid a c-section.

    I watched "The Business of Being Born." I watched women labor in a birthing bath and realized our bodies are made to do this!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Despite being induced and having a very long induction with lots of traumatic roadblocks (the first attempt of cervical balloon failed. It was inserted 6 times and took 25 minutes of trying to get it positioned correctly since I have a long cervix and was only dilated 1cm when they first attempted)...

    By the time the doctor broke my water I only labored for 4 hours from start to finish. I ended up in back labor without an epidural.

    My doula applied pressure on my hips which made the pain manageable for me during a back labor birth.

    Because I had done research about birth positions for back labor I ended up in birth bath during transition and I reached down and could feel my baby's head! At that point the doc checked me and confirmed I was 8 cm.

    I moved to a bed and ended up pushing out baby on all fours. It was painful but only took 5 pushes and I only had 2 small tears. My birth position made the back labor more MANAGABLE due to pelvic positioning.

    The nurses monitored my BP throughout the entire labor and it never once got in the danger zone.

    I worked hard to stay calm through each contraction so as not to allow my body to go into fight or flight response. One way I need this was through tonal vocalization. I literally vocalized for 4 hours straight (low guttural "hmmm" noise) on the exhalation. This kept me focused as the pitocin kept my contractions 3 minutes apart. It was incredibly intense and a severely different pregnancy and labor compared to my first birth which was much longer and involved an epidural.

    I truly felt like a hero to go through an induction and keep my BP down against all odds, labor vaginally with back labor and no epidural. I couldn't have done this without a doula who helped me mentally and physically through back labor!

    That being said this was a very traumatic birth experience for me. 6 weeks later I am still trying to process everything.

    You will see the BP chord in my birth photo on the back of my baby. They had the BP cuff on me at all times and the photo is evidence of that.

  • Do your research and hire a doula. Read Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    -Deep low guttural vocalization through breathing during contractions.
    -Staying calm and doing positive affirmations during contractions.
    -The amazing hip pressure my doula applied for 4 hours straight during back labor!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    All fours on hospital bed!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?


  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do your research and hire a doula. Read Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth.

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