Birth Stories

Taking Natural Supplements To Strengthen Her Uterine Scar Tissue and Being Mindful of Her Diet Helped Veronica During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    Just like with my previous labor 6 years ago my water broke at 1am on the 15th of Nov. 30 min later contractions started at 10 minutes apart and quickly moved to 3-4 min apart lasting 1 min. I didn't believe it was that quickly until my husband had to tell me multiple times and then convince me to time them myself. So I did for an hour and I realized he was right.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Letting go of any inhibitions I had. I was so worried about what everyone would see, hear, witness. But once that was "let go" then the 2nd challenge was the crazy intense pressure of the baby moving down during contractions. 3rd challenge would be pushing, I'd get 5 pushing contractions in a row and didn't have much ability to breathe during them.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I knew from the beginning I wanted a HBA2C so I had a LOT to do to prepare to ensure I succeeded. I started counseling to work through some worries I had about people seeing me in labor. I also sat on a yoga ball (I nick-named it the ball of death) to help get the baby in the optimal position as my last baby was sunny side up. I took a lot of natural supplements to help strengthen my uterine scar tissue and was very mindful of my diet. I saw a chiropractor weekly after 30 weeks pregnant to help flip baby as she was breech.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    That I did it!! I had so many negative comments said to me by people when I said I was doing a home birth. Keeping that negativity and lack of support out of my mind helped me get thru each contraction. I wasn't 100% sure I'd be able to do the birth completely unmedicated at home but I was willing to give 200% of myself to at least try my hardest.

  • If going natural is what you want I recommend reading birth stories of moms that succeeded and stay away from stories that have emergencies.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Sitting on the toilet with my legs apart surprisingly. I also liked counter pressure on my lower back during contractions. And having my temples rubbed hard during a contraction. Breathing and vocalizing during labor was also a must! Being quiet and calm was my ideal labor lol, but I ended up needing to make noise.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    Pushed for over an hour on my back in the birth pool, and finally got onto my knees and 1 arm (the other was hanging over the edge) and 2 later pushes she was out!

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Surreal. I didn't think I would be able to do it so when she was handed to me I was in shock, it was so exciting!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    If going natural is what you want I recommend reading birth stories of moms that succeeded and stay away from stories that have emergencies. I found if I read those all I focused on was the emergency. Also make sure your birth team is who you can trust 100%, you have a voice of who is going to be in the labor room/area. My birth team was given very strict instructions for my birth and they all respected it and this helped me so much to be able to focus on what work needed to be done to get this baby earth-side.

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