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Birth Stories

Taking A Childbirth Class And Getting A Doula Helped Cortney Achieve Home Water Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My labor in total start to finish was about 26 hours. But for me, I didn't really, realize it was real until contractions kept coming closer and closer together. And until I had my one and only cervical check and was 7 CMA dialated. Then I realized it was real and it was just a matter of time until I get to meet my baby. I had been in prodromal labor for a week prior to actually having my son. So it took me forever to accept I was in actual labor because I didn't want to get excited and it just be false labor again.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The back labor, and then pushing. There were many times I didn't think I could do it but I did. I hated not having control over my body when I was having contractions or when I needed to push. But I had to just breathe through it and let my body do what it was made to do.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Research, research, and research. My plan wasn't always for a home birth. It wasn't until I was 38 weeks pregnant and fed up with my OB provider because all they did my entire pregnancy was push interventions that were not medically necessary. They did this because of my weight and that was it. They also were determined I'd have complications throughout my pregnancy that I never had. They also were determined I'd need a c-section spilt based on my weight. So what did I do, I educated myself. I also took a childbirth class through a local doula company. I then hired the said doulas who also helped me make educated informed decisions. They helped teach my partner and I comfort measures as well. And they ultimately helped link me to the midwife who ended up delivering my baby at home in a birth tub. I also should mention how awesome my midwife was, she did this despite the possibility of her getting in trouble. Because as you see I live in North Carolina a state that does not recognize midwives to practice at home or not under a doctor. Despite them being nationally credentialed. But my midwife felt for me for my story and knew home birth was my only opportunity to have the natural birth I wanted and that my body could do. That if I went to a hospital any hospital I'd be pushed into interventions I didn't want and ultimately an unmedically necessary c-section.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    My strength. The hours passed and as they did I did a lot even realize how long I had been going. I just kept going. I was already feeling that mommy superpower you hear of. My doulas though were amazing they helped me through each contraction as if they too were going through the contractions with there own bodies. And what surprised me the most was I was able to push him out. Because when it came time to push I had no clue what I was doing, nothing about that part felt natural. Until it did, until my body started showing me and teaching me what I needed to do to push him out. And then I did it.

  • Ultimately know you can do it, your body was built to do this. Your body was built to grow your baby and to birth your baby. Your body would not give you more than your body can handle because it was made to do this. And every contraction is one more closer to meeting your baby. You are strong, you're a woman, you're a mom, and you can do this.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The things that helped me most was that my doulas helped to relieve pressure with counter pressure. They did this through massage and use of a rebozo. They used the rebozo in different positions that also allowed me to have some control over applying the pressure and finding relief. I also loved having the birth tub to get into when I needed to recover from intense contractions and take the edge off. I got in and out a few times over the span if my labor helps me rest and recover in order to keep going. I also had a collage of pictures of my mom and I on the wall next to my birth tub. My mom had been my whole world and she passed away a year and a half ago. She also was the strongest person I ever met. She fought cancer for 5 years. So looking at her gave me strength.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I started on my knees but ultimately delivered him in the running man position in our birth tub. I pushed for over an hour on my knees, and it was hard. I tried other positions but the pressure was too strong. But then my midwife suggested the running man position and in 2 pushed and 15 minutes later my boy was here.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was a monumental feeling that still to this day when I think about it gives me chills. It was when I realized I did it, I was strong, and I was a mom. The amount of love and serenity that hits you in that moment was unlike anything I ever felt in my life.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Do your research, take a comfort measures class, build an amazing support team for your birth. And ultimately know you can do it, your body was built to do this. Your body was built to grow your baby and to birth your baby. Your body would not give you more than your body can handle because it was made to do this. And every contraction is one more closer to meeting your baby. You are strong, you're a woman, you're a mom, and you can do this.

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