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Birth Stories

Devouring Birth Stories and Reading About the Physical Process of Labor Helped Raine During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    When I woke up the morning after my 'official' due date, I had some mild period-like cramps. I'd been having these cramps off and on for about three weeks, so I barely paid any attention to them. I made toast for breakfast, had a shower and started doing some yoga. I moved into child’s pose, kneeling on the bed and felt my water break. It was 8:30 in the morning, my husband was two hours away and well into his shift at work. Contractions started about an hour later and they started fast and furious! It wasn't until the contractions started that it really sunk in--labor had started! Contractions started at 50 seconds in length, 3 minutes apart. I had read so many birth stories but even so I wasn't quite prepared for the physical intensity.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging part of the whole natural experience was how intense each physical sensation was--from contractions to the pressure of pushing and moving baby down. I knew going natural would be challenging, I just didn't realize how tired and sore I would be. I actually had back labor through the entire process, and I was not ready for how much pain that meant. It was intense and difficult, but still the best thing I've ever done.

  • babybirth
  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I prepared for childbirth by devouring birth stories and reading about the physical process of labor. Having a really good understanding of my body and how labor works was incredibly helpful because when I was actually in labor I could remind myself in particularly intense moments--this is okay, my body was made for this, it's all part of the process to bring baby out. I also spent a lot of time meditating prior to childbirth, and I personally feel this helped me relax during labor as I was able to return to affirmations and mantras that I had practiced before. I also used an herbal supplement called GentleBirth that contained herbs to help tone my uterus. Out of all the many different things I did to prepare for childbirth, these three in combination were the most helpful.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    How impossibly intense the physical experience was--once active labor started my body just took off as if it had a mind of its own, and I almost felt like I was being pulled along for the ride. I never anticipated my mind taking a back seat to my body!

  • Trust your body mamas! Take in as many good vibes as you can--read lots of birth stories, become familiar with labor. I truly felt that the more knowledge I had, the better prepared I was.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    During labor I moved from position to position--sometimes standing, laying down, squatting. I labored in the shower, in the bath, on the bed, and just kept moving as I needed to. While the pain was always present, being able to move around really helped me work through the pain. I also had my midwife, husband and sister onhand to provide counter pressure on my back and to massage my legs, which was incredibly helpful. The counter pressure on my back helped me move through each push, and having my legs massaged relieved tension in my body and helped me focus on something else other than the contractions. I also utilized Rescue Remedy, a Bach Flower remedy and that helped me become more relaxed, giving me the ability to deal with the pain better.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I ended up delivering while laying on my side on the bed, where I was most comfortable at this point.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Childbirth is incredible, at the same time a baby is born, a mother is born too. I remember those first hours after my boy was born, he laid on my chest, skin to skin making the sweetest little humming noises while he slept. My husband lay next to me and the three of us slept and slept. I felt so incredibly grateful to have those sweet, long moments alone with my new little family, so incredibly proud of myself for bringing life into the world, and grateful again to all those (family and midwives) who worked so carefully to support us. Childbirth is like nothing I have ever experienced, and even now, three weeks later, I am struggling to find words to describe it.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Trust your body mamas! Take in as many good vibes as you can--read lots of birth stories, become familiar with labor. I truly felt that the more knowledge I had, the better prepared I was. Talk to your health care practitioner about all your concerns and questions, there are no silly questions. And know that your experience will be uniquely yours, your body knows what to do, your baby knows what to do, trust that you can do it, because you can! I would also suggest taking a natural supplement that helps prepare your body for labor such as red raspberry leaf tea, do your research and don't be afraid--you got this.

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