Birth Stories

Recognizing Emotional Signposts Helped Ryan Have a Natural Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    It was about 5:00pm on the most beautiful September day. I was one day past my estimated due date and happily still pregnant, not expecting to go into labor anytime soon, as I hadn't had any pre-labor signs at all. I was bouncing on my birth ball just like every other evening, and suddenly I felt a "pop" then a "gush" of liquid. When I stood up, I realized that my water had probably just broken! I was in awe because I thought I'd surely feel some contractions first, but I didn't! Water continued to trickle out as I called my midwife and had my first real contraction. We were both excited. She told me to rest, so I did. The contractions were pretty steadily 7 minutes apart for the next hour, so I felt sure that labor had begun!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    For me, the most challenging aspect was that I hadn't gotten enough rest. Because my labor started in the evening, and because for some wild reason I hadn't had a nap that day, laboring through the night and into the morning seemed way more taxing. I kept thinking "If only I could have a ten minute break to nap, I would feel great!" The contractions were tough, yes, but I could zone out and feign sleep between them. It was the pushing phase where I needed more energy. I ended up pushing for 2 hours, literally pushing through my exhaustion.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I would say the most helpful thing I did was read about the emotional signposts of labor. I remember recognizing the first signpost at home while I labored in the bathtub. I thought to myself "I can't do this all night," and realized I had reached my first emotional signpost, indicating that I was indeed in active labor. It made me feel better to know that my emotions were all part of the process, and not a reason to quit. Another emotional signpost I hit was "I can't do this," when I was in transition. As soon as I uttered those words I became cheerful because I realized that I was almost in the clear of the hardest part!

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was so surprised that pushing was basically painless. I remember thinking "The contractions will be tough, but it's pushing that I'm scared of," but OH my goodness, how wrong I was. I was so happy to get to the pushing stage. I could finally work with my contractions. It was incredibly relieving. Yes, I wailed like a banshee, but not out of pain. I was just extremely determined to get little one out! His head crowning and coming out also was painless for me. I guess because it was such a slow delivery, I had plenty of time to stretch out for him. Even though my baby was big and I am small, pushing was a pleasant experience!

  • His head crowning and coming out also was painless for me. I guess because it was such a slow delivery, I had plenty of time to stretch out for him.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Deep breathing. Deeeeeep breathing. I tried to enter a meditative state. All the lights off, music on, and deep breaths helped me succumb to the trance-like experience of labor.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I delivered sitting all the way up in a hospital bed with my knees to my ears! I didn't think I would want to deliver in the bed, but it felt the most natural to me at the time. My doula grabbed my right leg and my husband grabbed my left leg towards the end when I was exhausted.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I was absolutely in shock and awe. I thought I would burst into tears but I just said, "Oh my God Oh my God Thank you Thank you." I had been praying throughout his entire delivery, and felt like my prayers were answered. I also couldn't believe how perfect he looked, how beautiful he was!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    My major advice is that it is a tough job but that YOU CAN DO IT. No matter how small you are, no matter how much of a "wimp" you think you are, you can do this, because your body simply knows how. Your body will take care of you and your baby during the process. Just totally relax and succumb to the sensations instead of fighting them, and you will find yourself rocking right through birth!

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