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Birth Stories

Having an Amazing Support System Helped Caitlin During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    My water broke at home on a Sunday. We had hosted friends for dinner and I finally got a moment to sit down, so I went to the bathroom and as soon as I sat down, my water broke in the toilet. I panicked!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Recognizing that baby will ultimately dictate the outcome of your birth-regardless of how much you prepare. As I mentioned, my water broke at home, however there was meconium in it and I was not having contractions. I called my doula, and she instructed me to go to the hospital because of the meconium. When I checked in to the very baby-friendly hospital, they decided to just let us go to our L&D room, get comfortable and let labor start on its on, but had to monitor my vitals every half hour (To check for infection from meconium). Labor started, and stalled, and eventually I made the decision to augment labor to get it going again with Cytotec. This was a VERY difficult decision because we were determined and prepared for a natural, non-augmented birth. We ended up doing two doses, and contractions were there, but not longer, stronger or closer together. We eventually decided on Pitocin to get things moving and progressing better. (I had gone 12 hours with only dilating a centimeter). After 30 hours of natural labor, I called for an epidural, for pain and endurance purposes. After my epidural, I progressed rather quickly, but stalling again after 9.5 centimeters. After 45 hours of labor total, I was finally fully efaced and 10cm. It was pushing time! I pushed for 1 hour, and all my vitals spiked. The concern was Chorio (infection from meconium). We started antibiotics and I kept pushing. 2 hours of pushing later, and my midwife called the OB in. She explained that our baby was turned and stuck. She talked to us about options: Vacuum or C-section. I was devastated. I cried and I got very angry. I cried to my doula, husband, and mom. Ultimately, it was determined that a vacuum would not be effective and cause more harm than help. So, we ended up after 48 hours of labor, doing a c-section. I never in my wildest dreams thought that would be how we would welcome our son into the world. We were so educated, prepared, and supported appropriately to have a natural, vaginal childbirth. Ultimately, baby decides how it will enter this world, and we had to surrender and allow it to happen. Though not easy, having him in our arms was worth every hour and every decision.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    My husband and I had the most amazing support system. We had a baby-friendly hospital with a midwife, doula, and lactation consultant. I read the mama natural stories and Ina May's Guide to Childbirth book and felt so empowered with all the information I had. I shared the information with my husband, and together we were able to make informed decisions throughout our whole birthing experience. While it was not the outcome we had anticipated, we were not traumatized by my birth because we had such control and power over each decision.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    Everything. We did not expect that our birth "plan" would happen with precision, but we also didn't expect every corner to be hit with a hard decision and the complete opposite of what we had anticipated. It was discouraging that nothing was going our way, but we felt supported the entire time. Never were we "forced" into a decision, and we were always given time to talk it out. I was surprised by how on-board our entire hospital staff (there were plenty after 48 hours) was with letting me labor it out and really being a champion for our birth.

  • It felt like such relief and disbelief to hold him for the first time. At one point during labor I questioned if I even had a baby inside me. Holding him made our world complete
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Hip compression from my husband and doula. Laboring in the shower with a birthing ball - the best thing ever. Using the peanut ball

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    C-Section, with a clear drape and immediate skin to skin right after delivery.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It felt like such relief and disbelief to hold him for the first time. At one point during labor I questioned if I even had a baby inside me. Holding him made our world complete

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Inform yourself to the best of your ability so that if and when you are faced with having to make decisions, you are already prepared with the information necessary to make the right decision that is best for you and baby. Believe in your body, and know that ultimately you and baby will work together. I would have never guessed that I had a 10lb baby and that he was turned and stuck, but we eventually found that out and realized that was why I was not progressing. Trust that there are reasons behind every road block, and mourn the moment, but move on with a decision.

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