Birth Stories

Listening To Positive Stories Helped Eileen During Her Birth Center Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had gone through a lot of prodromal labor, but finally, at 41.5 weeks I woke up at midnight with my water trickling. I let my midwife know, and then spent the next 24 hours laboring through inconsistent, mild contractions at home.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I'm worried that I'd go over 42 weeks and not be able to deliver at the birth center. But because of the location for birth and my midwives, I went into birth 100% free of fear. I didn't have to worry about forceps, episiotomy, loud nurses, anything! I was so at peace and excited about it.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I listened to only positive stories. My sisters were so great about telling me about their natural births! I made myself birth affirmation cards, and read Ina May Gaskin's natural childbirth book, and The Positive Birth Book. Those books were amazing! Also, having done lots of squats while pregnant saved me during labor.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    It was so long! I had a 42 hour labor of on and off consistent contractions. It turns out my daughter's hand was by her face, preventing her from descending at the proper angle. That accounted for the prodromal labor--she was trying to get into a better position. When my midwife figured out that was the delay, she got me into different positions and plop! She got into the right position, I finally fully effaced, and she was born four hours later.

  • Educate yourself. Read natural birth books, especially Ina May Gaskin! So much of the success in natural birth relies on your mental state and commitment to going natural. Birth is 80% mental and 20% physical.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Focusing on the contractions as waves I needed to ride instead of something to be struggled with. My husband coached me so well through all of that. The tub was also amazing! So relaxing.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I was so relieved to have no more pressure down there, and I was so tired, that holding her didn't register at first. But then it sank in and I have never been so happy in my life. She was so perfect! And I was so surprised she was a girl, I had thought all through labor that we were having a boy!

  • What did you name your baby, and why?

    Aoife (Gaelic; pronounced eefa) Lourdes. My husband loved the name Aoife, and we chose Lourdes for Our Lady of Lourdes.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Educate yourself. Read natural birth books, especially Ina May Gaskin! So much of the success in natural birth relies on your mental state and commitment to going natural. Birth is 80% mental and 20% physical.

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