Birth Stories

Making a Flip Book of Labor Verses From The Bible Helped Ginger During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I had some contractions Thursday night for a couple hours and went to bed hoping labor would start up in the morning. (My midwife was supposed to come that day, but we had to reschedule for Friday because she was running so behind. That would turn out to providential.) Starting at 3am on Friday, I had consistent contractions until 6am when they abruptly came to an end. So I went back to bed and was able to sleep until 8:30 am. My sister told me this same thing happened to her and a chiropractor visit got labor started up again. So I went to the chiropractor at 10am and had 1 contraction on the way home. And that was it. So I laid down again and napped for almost 2 hours. God was so merciful to give me this rest!
    My midwife came at 2pm for my appointment and she checked me. I was 90% effaced and dilated to 4cm. Immediately after the exam, I had a contraction and then another while we were visiting. I was hopeful! By 4pm I was having consistent contractions again.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    Relaxing is all the work of natural childbirth. During each contraction, My husband read my labor verses to me, many of which I was able to quote along with him after having heard them several times by then. Having those scriptures for my brain to focus on really helped me relax and focus through contractions. At 9:15, I wasn't happy with the progress I was making and midwife encouraged me to get out of the pool, have 2-3 contractions in the bathroom (ugh! no fun!) and walk around. I did exactly 3 contractions on the toilet, came out explaining that I had fulfilled their request, and then took the stairs two at a time to my room, where my midwife broke my water per my request. I said goodnight, hugged and kissed my little ones and promised them they'd have a baby when they woke up in the morning, and went back to the pool. It got more intense after that. Half an hour later I was begging for help with each contraction and breathing very quickly. I forced myself not to say what I was thinking: "I don't want to do this! Get me out of here! Nevermind! I quit!!"
    I made myself say: I can do this. I want to meet my baby. I want to kiss their face, hold their hand and count their toes. I can do all things through Christ!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Because this wasn't my first natural childbirth, I knew what I need to do and what worked for me. My last three children were water birthsand I wouldn't do any other way, given the choice. When I get in the birth pool for the first time, it feels like going back in time. The contractions get significantly less intense and the water makes it so much easier to relax through contractions.
    I had also made a flip book of labor verses from the Bible, that really helped me focus and remember that God is in control and He was my help. As my husband read them to me, my mind was able to focus on the promises in God's Word, which was very relaxing and comforting.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    When my midwife said: "Reach down and touch your baby's head", I was in shock how much head was there! And that gave me the motivation to push her out. I pushed for 3 min and had a beautiful baby in my arms. My four older daughters were present and all started crying and hugging each other when baby was born. It was a precious time!
    We waited until all the bigger kids came downstairs to look to see what we had. It was so much fun all finding out together that we had a girl!

  • Consider a water birth. But regardless how you plan to deliver, practice relaxation techniques for labor.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    The birth pool and deep breathing are my greatest pain relievers.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I gave birth in a reclined seated position.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Holding my baby for the first time was exhilarating! We still didn't know if we had a boy or a girl and I didn't care. I was just thrilled she was in my arms. Seeing face-to-face the baby I'd gotten to know for 9 months was such a joyful experience! I kissed her all over.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Consider a water birth. But regardless how you plan to deliver, practice relaxation techniques for labor. I have used Bradley childbirth methods to successfully have 6 home births.

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