Birth Stories

Doing a Forrest Yoga Teacher Training Early In Her Pregnancy Helped Perri During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I realized I was really in labor on a Saturday around 1:30 in the afternoon. It was my due date but I was sure he was coming late so the contraction took me by surprise. I thought it could be a Braxton Hicks, but then we had an unexpected knock at the door soon after and my reaction was to yell at my husband to get them away and I ran to my bedroom and shut the door.. my reaction said it all and I knew I was in labor!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The most challenging thing about going natural was the pushback from family and friends throughout pregnancy about the dangers of going natural. It became very repetitive and the fear in others became annoying, because I had no fear and I was the one carrying the baby!

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Doing a Forrest yoga teacher training early in pregnancy helped me get deep into my body, breath, and intuition. Hypnobabies was also really helpful and I used the anesthesia techniques during labor. I also saw my chiropractor every other week and then every week leading up to the birth. She opened up my round ligaments and kept my body aligned to make for an easier end of pregnancy and delivery.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was very surpised I could sleep through the night while having contractions. I was also surprised how hard it was at first to get my breath and vibrational sounds low in my pelvis. I had practiced this a lot, but breathing during labor was a whole different ball game- it took a lot of concentration to get in the flow. I was also surprised at how strong I felt throughout the 36 hour labor. I kept saying it out loud and this vocalizaton was very powerful.

  • Have a loose vision (or be open for the visions to come to you) of the birth you and your baby align with. Leave as many options open as you can because there is almost a life that your birth takes on and if you don't get in the way of its divine plan with your own expectations then you will have an easy time surrendering to the beautiful flow of your unique birth.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    My midwife gave me an alpha stimulator that I wore on my ears for a while. It emits electromagnetic pulses and helps with the pain of the contractions. Once I was able to Belly Breathe and send it deep into my uterus the resistance against the contraction energy helped bring ease. Squatting and other positions where I was really using the energy of the contraction felt much better. Listening to my Hypnobabies recordings and getting into that meditative state made everything better. And of course amazing strategically placed back and sacrum rubs from my doulas and hubby!

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    We were on a mattress outside next to the tub, My husband was on a wedge behind me and I was leaning on him with my feet up by my head in baddokhanasana.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It felt like the missing link finally attached to us and all was aligned and perfect. Honestly, My vagina was still burning so that was a bit distracting as I was yelling for lidocaine spray!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Have a loose vision (or be open for the visions to come to you) of the birth you and your baby align with. Leave as many options open as you can because there is almost a life that your birth takes on and if you don't get in the way of its divine plan with your own expectations then you will have an easy time surrendering to the beautiful flow of your unique birth. Listen to your intuition to guide you, during pregnancy the clues will filter in and you can prepare accordingly. Having an all star team to support you is also key for your utmost strength and power to rise. During Labor know that you are running the show and tell everyone what you need in every moment. Voice out loud how strong you feel and anything else that comes to your mind that is empowering- saying it gives it that much more energy and power. And ENJOY!

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