Birth Stories

Mental Preparation and Using Hypnobabies Recordings Helped Nettie During Her Home Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I was 12 days over my due date and motivated to help this little one into the world. My midwife lent me an electric breastpump and I used it for 15 min around 12:40 in the afternoon. The contractions coming along with the pumping were getting really tough, so I laid down. As soon as I laid down (still pumping), my water broke. Since this is my 7th child, I figured from past labors, that from then on things would be moving quickly forward, since my water doesn't usually break til I'm ready to push!

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    This round of labor (because each experience has brought it's own difficulty), the hardest part for me was mentally waiting for this baby. I never had to wait 12 days over my due date and my mind really played tricks on me. I had to really get down deep inside me and find strength and belief, emotionally and mentally.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    As usual, mental preparation. I used hypnobabies recordings that I transferred to my phone to have easy access to. I listened to them almost everyday/night, whether I fell asleep or not. I visualized my baby's birth and wrote it down. I prepared physically by doing squats, kegels, and trying to eat healthy, taking vitamins and drinking water.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    A couple of things, actually. First of all it was only about 3 hours of labor. My shortest one yet! But what really surprised me was after I'd gotten into the inflatable birthing tub. I started to feel the urge to push but didn't think I was there yet. So the midwives encouraged me to check myself. I was a finger length away and felt her head. I assumed that was too far away, so changed position and told the midwives and my husband I just need to be patient! When to my surprise, about 3 contractions later and 2 pushes, she was out. She really slipped right out of me! I couldn't believe how fast it went. I thought I'd be enduring more contractions for another half hour!

  • You have to prepare mentally. You have to treat this like a marathon. You have to train and learn and do the things required. Whether you use hypnosis, mindfulness, visualizations, physical prep.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Again, the hypnobabies. During other labors I enjoyed listening to the birthing day affirmations. But this time I really needed the actual hypnosis tracks to keep my mind focused on visualizing this successful birth and the process of my body transforming. Oddly enough, smiling during contractions really helped me to stay strong and mentally happy. I would think of my little girl being so close to being outside of me and in my arms. And while I was smiling, I was unable to feel sorry for myself or lose hope or courage. I felt gratitude for the process I was in. No pity parties! Pity parties are not fun during labor.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I ended up on my back in the birthing pool. The pool was amazing to kneel in and expected to be on my knees. But because the pushing came on unexpectedly for me, I had just switched over to my back leaning against the pool. It felt great, wasn't uncomfortable, just not what I'd visualized. I did have a tiny tear, but nothing too big. It was a great position in the pool. Though I don't imagine it would have been comfortable outside water.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    It was the most incredible feeling! Every time. Warm, beautiful, peaceful, perfect. I cried and looked at my husband and we just couldn't believe she was here. Such a once in a lifetime experience.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    You have to prepare mentally. You have to treat this like a marathon. You have to train and learn and do the things required. Whether you use hypnosis, mindfulness, visualizations, physical prep. I wouldn't suggest you go for natural birth unless you've done the prep work. Labor is intense mental focus. You really have have mind over matter. Surround yourself with those you love and trust, pick the environment you will be most comfortable and feel safest in. Feel the gratitude in you as you birth your child. Be in the present moment. Believe in yourself. Know that you are courageous and strong and amazing.

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