Birth Stories

Natalie Relied on Prayer During Her Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    After a long day of having guest over, talking to my husband until 11:30 pm, and finally laying our heads down to sleep, we closed our eyes...I felt a pop and in my exhaustion thought, "It's probably my mucus plug." I figured I'd check it out the next time I went to the restroom. Then...WOOSH! My water burst in by bed! It was so shocking and thrilling at the same time. This was my 4th delivery and I had never started labor with my water breaking! I thought "This baby is coming quick!"

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    I have had great success with the Bradley Method. I thrive with the relaxation method. I wavered from my method and experience a very hard and long labor with my 3rd birth, which was a VBAC home birth. I experienced many fears and doubts about my ability to birth naturally. The most challenging thing was over coming my fears and doubts BEFORE birth. I learned so much about facing my fears in prayer. Laying every thought and doubt in God's hands and trusting that He was taking care of me and would be with me though every contraction.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    I read "Praying through Your Pregnancy" by Jennifer Polimino. Through this book God taught my how to truly pray for every aspect of my unborn child. I never felt so connected to God or my baby as with this birth. It was such a deeply Spirit led birth. My husband prayed out loud over me for most of the labor. This was very encouraging and comforting in hard labor. I prayed through every contraction. Thanking Him for life in my womb and the pain that would soon bring the joy of meeting my little man. I praised my way through contractions. It was the most beautiful experience.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    I was most surprised that the labor lasted longer than I initially thought. When my water broke, I thought of all the birth stories that I had read about Mama's having their baby in an hour! I thought that this baby was going to come on the way to the midwife. There came a point in my labor when my husband said "We are in this for the long haul." Somehow that helped me center down and focus less on time and more on working through each contraction as they came. The labor lasted 6 hours, which is my norm.

  • God made you to bring forth life! What a privilege. Be healthy, be informed, prepare for birth with exercise and practice, and prepare emotionally by acknowledging your fears to God and asking for His help
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Bradley Method

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I LOVE birthing on my side with my leg up in the air.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    Gratefulness! I was grateful that my baby was finally with us, that God made me a woman who He uses to bring forth life. How precious and amazing is that! Children truly are a gift, heritage, and reward from him. They are another expression of Him in the world to bring him glory!

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    God made you to bring forth life! What a privilege. Be healthy, be informed, prepare for birth with exercise and practice, and prepare emotionally by acknowledging your fears to God and asking for His help, and make a board of picture of all the things you are looking forward to with your baby I.e (skin to skin, nursing, co-sleeping, snuggling). It really helped me to think on thes rewards for my efforts ?

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