Birth Stories

Prayer and Keeping Calm Helped Victoria During Her Hospital Birth

  • When did you realize you were really in labor?

    I usually have fast labors so I was so scared that my baby might be born in the car (witch almost happened with my third pregnancy). I was getting contractions since I was 34 weeks and I was scared my little one might come early (but he didn't). There is a difference between Braxton Hicks and actual contractions. It was 3am Monday morning on September 19th when a sharp pain woke me up so I went to the bathroom and I thought "could this be it?" I waited a few minutes to see if I would get more and 4min later another strong contraction, then 3min later another one, by 3:20am I knew this was it, it was time to go to the hospital.

  • What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

    The hardest thing about going natural was getting everyone around me to support my decision, and convincing the nurses to help me do it my way. I know what is best for me and my baby, but it is hard when everyone around you are also convinced they know best.

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  • What was the most helpful thing you did to prepare for childbirth?

    Prayer and God are always number one for me. Also keeping calm and practicing my breathing.

  • What surprised you about your birth?

    After four pregnancies and four kids and this being my fifth I really thought he was coming early, I had all the signs, but to my surprise I went all the way up to 41 weeks and gave birth to a beautiful 9lbs 20in baby boy. I also was surprised to find out that I was having my fifth boy.

  • Trust your instincts, do your research, and find yourself a good support group whether it's on social media or a mommy group. I feel these things are vital to being successful. I knew natural was best, but I didn't know much about it so I trusted my instincts started to research and found myself a group of more experienced moms to help me make the transition.
  • What pain relief strategies worked best?

    Sitting on a birthing ball worked wonders for my back contractions, I stayed on that ball as long as possible.

  • What position did you end up delivering in?

    I gave birth laying on my back.

  • How did it feel to hold your baby for the first time?

    I couldn't believe that the moment had come, ant to see him and finally hold him in my arms for the first time it was like everything and everyone else around me disappeared and it was just me and my baby and nothing else mattered. I had dreamt about holding him for 9 months and to finally be able to was literally a dream come true.

  • What advice can you give to other mamas who want to go natural?

    Trust your instincts, do your research, and find yourself a good support group whether it's on social media or a mommy group. I feel these things are vital to being successful. I knew natural was best, but I didn't know much about it so I trusted my instincts started to research and found myself a group of more experienced moms to help me make the transition.

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